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EDA News Centre

  • February 01, 2022 11:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Economic Development Week

    May 9 -13 

    2022 Community Challenge in Alberta

    For the second year in a row; Alberta Municipalities and Rural Municipalities of Alberta are joining EDA to amplify the importance of economic development by inviting you to take part in the 2022 Community Challenge. 

    You can participate by having your community officially proclaim May 9 - 13 as "Economic Development Week."

    Last year, 34 Alberta Communities made the official proclamation, exceeding our goal of 25 communities.

    This year, we're upping the ante: our goal is to have 50 Alberta Communities make the official proclamation! 

    Read more here 
  • April 16, 2021 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This morning, Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) virtually with record attendance. 

    EDA voting members elected the 2021 - 2022 Board of Directors as follows: 

    2021-2022 EDA Board of Directors

    Trevor Lewington - President (Lethbridge)

    Eleanor Miclette -  Vice President (Canmore)

    Mary Lee Prior - Past President  (Vermilion)

    Martin Ebel - Secretary Treasurer (Lethbridge County) 

    Ben Young - Director (Taber)

    Peter Casurella - Director (Lethbridge) 

    Pat Nicol - Director (St Albert)

    Shane Olson - Director (Strathcona County)

    Danielle Carter - Director (Morinville)

    Deana Haley - Director (Calgary)

    Kent McMullin - Director (Edmonton)

    "Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) has a proven track record of providing our members with leading edge professional development programs, best practice sharing, networking opportunities and other valuable tools to help create thriving communities. We are a member driven organization working to elevate economic development as a profession and at the same time support practitioners in their critical roles to promote sustainable long-term growth that benefits all members of our society.

    EDA has a long history of innovative responses to contemporary challenges. While we are proud of the recognition we receive from national and international organizations with which we work, the best recognition comes from the tangible impact we can have in the communities which we serve.

    We are fortunate to be able to collaborate with a wide range of sponsors, partners and supporters in the delivery of our mission. Economic development is often referred to as a team sport and that is true now more than ever as we face the multifaceted and complex challenges brought on by the largest public health challenge and resulting economic crisis in many generations.

    EDA will continue to be dedicated to meeting the needs of our members while at the same time building strong communities - together." - Trevor Lewington, EDA President 

    See the 2021 - 2022 Board of Directors here


    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is Alberta’s only professional organization for economic developers. The organization is dedicated to advancing the economic development profession in the province of Alberta by providing an active network of professional development, information and networking opportunities. It is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors, who represent the interests of its membership as a whole.

    For more information please contact:

    Trevor Lewington, EDA President


    Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO


  • April 08, 2021 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline to Cast Your Vote by Proxy is TOMORROW

    If you are unable to attend in person EDA's (Zoom) AGM being held Friday, April 16 at 9:00, you may cast your vote by proxy for the 2021 EDA Board of Directors.

    The deadline to submit the proxy form is tomorrow, Friday April 9 at 4:30 PM. 

    Please note, only EDA voting members in good standing are eligible to vote.

    Please click the button below to access the webpage we have created that houses all the relevant forms for the AGM including the proxy form. 

    Please note only EDA voting members in good standing are able to access this web page.

    Please ensure you sign into the EDA website with the email associated with your EDA membership and password.

    Thank you for voting. 

    AGM Page

  • March 29, 2021 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA Annual Awards of Excellence


    You have TWO DAYS to apply for our Annual Awards of Excellence. 

    The deadline: Wednesday March 31, 4:30 pm.

    Our Annual Awards of Excellence recognize the province’s best economic development marketing materials, programs, partnerships and professionals that have made significant contributions to the profession. 

    Here is what one of the 2020 Award of Excellence winners had to say:  "Winning the EDA Award of Excellence has been a great feather in the cap for Northeast Alberta in the area of Tourism Development. 

    As a region striving to develop a tourism economy, this award has aided in the ongoing support of the efforts."

  • March 24, 2021 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Platinum Partner

    Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API)

    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is pleased to welcome Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API) our brand new Platinum Partner at EDA Xperience 2021, EDA's Leaders' Summit and Conference.

    This new partnership underscores the importance of this event as it brings together, for the first time, the cream of the crop in the Alberta economic development landscape to discuss the opportunities present in the Alberta economy and insights on how to accelerate them.  

    Challenges and opportunities for local and regional economies in 2021 are very different than those we have encountered in the past, and EDA Xperience 2021 provides a platform for these important discussions by Alberta political and economic decision makers.   

  • February 22, 2021 2:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA is pleased to announce we have earned an EDAC Marketing  Canada Award

    Our entry is the "EDA Economic Recovery and Resiliency Program: Covid-19 Response" in the Recovery Project / Plan category. 

    We are thrilled and grateful to the EDA team and EDA Board of Directors who together created an award worthy program!
  • February 02, 2021 10:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Business Retention and Expansion Online 

    Pandemic restrictions and winter weather are forcing us indoors. 

    Seize this opportunity to work on your professional development!

    Take our online course: Business Retention and Expansion. It starts February 16. Register by clicking the button below. 

    You'll learn critical information such as how a business retention and expansion strategy helps to create a resilient community. You won't want to miss this opportunity. 

    Business Retention and Expansion 

    February 16 - March 22

    Through the University of Calgary

    Register by clicking the button below:

    BRE Registration 


    All courses in our Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) are offered online through the University of Calgary.

    These courses can be applied to your Ec.D designation. They are also eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA.  

  • January 28, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA Ministry Meet Up

    Thank you for taking part in our "EDA Ministry Meet Up: Innovation, Research, Technology." We trust you found the information valuable and made some important connections.

    Thank you EDA Vice President Trevor Lewington for hosting this virtual event.

    Thank you to our speakers:

    • Robert Fuller - IRAP
    • Janet Dorey - Acting Regional Director General at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
    • Stephanie Stefura - Senior Innovation Advisor with Innovation Canada
    • Steve McMahon - Innotech Alberta
    • Doug Holt - Alberta Innovates
    • Scott Nye - Digital Alberta

      Thank you to AUMA for your support and for AUMA's Gold level partnership in these Ministry Meet Ups. 

      We know from experience there is value in bringing together economic development leaders with key government representatives, both elected and non-elected to network, build relationships and share program information. 


      If you would like to see the presentations, please click on the button below to watch a video of the Ministry Meet Up on EDA's YouTube channel.

      Watch: Innovation, Research, Technology 

      The COVID-19 pandemic, limiting our ability to meet in person safely, disrupted our 2020 Ministry Dinner in October. EDA's creative solution is developing a series of virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups.

      Every month leading to our in-person 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner, we are hosting a series of noon hour virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups with key government officials discussing specific topics. 

      Our next Meet Up is:

      Employment, Workforce, Labour, Immigration

      Wednesday, February 24

      Click on the button to read about and to register for all of the Ministry Meet Ups:

      EDA Ministry Meet Ups and 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner 
    • January 22, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      Please be advised there is a phishing email in circulation using the EDA/Invest in Alberta branding.

      Please do not click on any links. Simply block the sender and delete the email.  The subject of the phishing email is: 

      "EDA Updated Policy Statement 2021"

      The content reads in part...... 


      We hope and trust that you are doing great staying safe and healthy this new year as we anticipate a covid-free, healthy and safe business environment......" 

      Again, EDA did NOT send this email.

    • January 18, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


      Alberta Economic Development Leaders' Summit & Conference 

      Partner With Us - EDA's Upcoming Leaders' Summit & Conference

      Dear Nancy Toombs, 

      Our Xperience#EDA2020 online Conference was huge hit and it demonstrated EDA is able to pivot and deliver top notch content in a creative way despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic.

      Get ready! Because the creative juices are really flowing, and our 2021 Leaders' Summit and Annual Conference is poised to be even better content delivered on an even more creative online platform!  

      Held May 19 -20, you'll want to get involved and have your brand associated with this world class Conference "Xperience."

      When you become a Partner for this 2021 event, your company or organization gets unique profile during and after the Conference.

      Each partnership level has various benefits associated with it, depending on the level of commitment selected. Sign up early to make sure you get the best sessions and benefits!

      Download our Partner Package 
      Join Us! - Online Partnership Form 

      Partners, you will be getting even more bang for your buck! 

      We will be providing an additional digital experience during and after the Conference: 

      1. Exhibitor “booths” enabling you to make your organization's information available on the Conference website for delegates to experience.
      2. Hosted, live interactive Zoom rooms. 
      3. The ability for you to share professional quality presentations or your branded content with your networks and beyond. 
      4. Recognition of your brand throughout presentations and an opportunity to open doors through unique virtual networking channels. 
      5. The Conference website will be LIVE for 90 days after the conference is over enabling delegates to revisit and rewatch the sessions and see the partners' contributions.
      6. A recording of the Conference sessions, including a mention of the session Partner, will be available on our YouTube channel, EDA TV, once the conference is over.  (Here is the link to EDA's Youtube channel where you can see the sessions from Xperience#EDA2020). 

      About the Alberta Economic Development Leaders' Summit and Conference:

      • It attracts over 300 local, national, and international experts in the field of economic development, and elected officials from across the province. 
      • Delegates will be provided with information about Alberta’s current and emerging sector opportunities, updates on economic development issues and trends, best practices, inspiring keynote addresses, and interactive virtual networking opportunities.
      • By incorporating EDA’s Economic Development Leaders’ Summit into the conference, we will create a forum for Alberta’s economic development leaders to talk about what is happening in our province; identify practical ways to move our economy forward; and support each other in moving Alberta’s ambitious economic development agenda forward.

      Join us May 19-20 for a unique Conference Xperience 

    Economic Developers Alberta

    Mailing Address:

    Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

    Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

    Contact Us

    Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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