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About the Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP)

In the dynamic field of economic development, the Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) ensures participants remain at the forefront with practical insights and real-world applications. Developed by EDA, this core educational program consists of a series of courses collectively known as the CEDTP. Endorsed by government leaders and communities and tailored to support various audiences involved in implementing or initiating Economic Development projects, the CEDTP series offers fundamental information and leading practices.

What is CEDTP training?

Community economic development involves creating environments where businesses thrive and communities grow. Building stable, resilient communities can be complex, but applying best practices and proven tools can lead to success, regardless of your budget or regionEDA’s CEDTP courses provide practical information that can be directly applied to your unique community by:

  • Providing clearly defined community economic development functions, including roles of elected officials, staff and volunteers;
  • Identifying core strategies on how to ‘do’ economic development;
  • Focusing on using human and financial resources more effectively and efficiently;
  • Outlining engagement processes to promote community-wide participation in future planning;
  • Encouraging closer working relationships between federal, provincial, regional and municipal agencies;
  • Helping eliminate barriers between towns and rural jurisdictions;
  • Providing an interactive setting to learn new tools and practices, and hear from other practitioners about opportunities and challenges they face in their role.

What courses does EDA offer?

EDA is pleased to offer the following CEDTP courses on a regular basis in three formats: asynchronous online, online hybrid, and in-person:



    • Fundamentals of Rural Economic Development (RED)-  Learn how to address the challenges and opportunities inherent in rural contexts through collaboration, harnessing resouces and enhancing capacity. 

    • The Social Side of Economic Development (SED)- Explores the intersection of social and economic development, and the need to address overlap issues like health and well-being accessibility, housing availability and affordability, diversity and inclusion, infrastructure and transportation, and workforce shortages and skills gaps.

    • Performance Measurement in Economic Development (PM)- Provides participants with a robust understanding of performance measurement in the context of economic development, preparing them to effectively evaluate and enhance the impact of economic development initiatives.

    • Co-operatives and Economic Development (CAED)- This course will help you understand the process of starting a co-operative and the role you can play in supporting a co-operative start-up. 

    What is the cost ? 

    Online (Asynchronous)

    In this format, students learn at their own pace and time.

    Members: $195 / course

    Non-Members: $295 / course

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    In this format, students are able to learn at their own pace, however two live Zoom calls with other students and an Instructor are incorporated to add to the learning experience.

    Members: $425 / student

    Non-Members: $495 / student

    In-Person (Synchronous)

    In this format, a professional Trainer comes to your community to deliver a 1-day course (9:00 am-4:00 pm) for up to 20 people.  It is a great way to build local capacity.

    Cost includes manuals delivered to the Host Community,  evaluation sheets, and certificates of completion to course participants. 

    Members: $2950 / course  + trainer expenses*

    Non-Members: $3450 / course + trainer expenses*

    * Trainer Expenses: We try to provide the Trainer closest to the course location in order to reduce expenses as much as possible. The following out-of-pocket travel expenses will be reimbursed when applicable: meals, hotels, airline tickets, a per kilometre rate when using personal vehicle to travel to locations, and daily personal expense allowance.  NOTE: Travel rates are based on current rates set by the Province of Alberta. 

    How do I book a hybrid course?

    • Communities interested in organizing a hybrid course should send an email to in order to propose the course name, possible date/s, time and location. 
    • EDA will find the best Trainer for your community. 
    • EDA confirms dates with both parties, including live Zoom call dates, and sets up a hybrid course online.
    • A course code is given, and participants register online. 

    How do I book an in-person course?

    • Communities interested in organizing a hybrid course, or hosting an in-person course should send an email to in order to propose the course name, possible date/s, time and location. 
    • EDA contacts the Trainer closest to the proposed location to determine their availability. If available, EDA confirms date and time (usually 9:00 AM-4:00 PM) with the Host.
    • Once the date/s are agreed upon, two agreements are completed and signed: one by the Host and the other by the Trainer. 
    • The Host has up to two weeks to cancel and the Cancellation Policy is stated on the signed agreement.
    • The Host books a meeting space for the course, and promotes the course to interested participants. 
    • Approximately two weeks before the course takes place, EDA will ship course manuals, sign-in sheets and evaluation forms to the Host. The Host advises EDA in advance where course manuals are to be shipped.
    • On course day, the EDA Trainer facilitates the course utilizing the manuals provided. The course has been designed to be somewhat interactive.
    • Participants fill out evaluation forms at the end of the course.
    • Host mails the evaluation forms back to the EDA office.
    • EDA invoices the Host for the cost of the course + GST + Trainer expenses.

    Can participants receive credits from these courses towards their Ec.D. designation?

    The awarding of EDAC accreditation points towards an Ec.D. designation is as follows: 5 credits per course (ETF, BIA, BRE, CER and EO). We are currently processing the ability to award points for SED and RED.

    If you wish to obtain the EDAC credits for this course, the fee is $30.00 + GST. Cheques are to be made payable to and mailed to Economic Developers Alberta. Participants must ensure they include a copy of their completion certificate(s) and correct mailing address.

      Economic Developers Alberta

      Mailing Address:

      Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

      Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

      Contact Us

      Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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