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Choose Community Economic Development as a career

Make an Impact

A career in Community Economic Development is more than a job; it's a rewarding journey where you make a real impact.

Engage with communities, businesses, and government at all levels. Professionals in this field come from diverse backgrounds, creating a vibrant community.

Join a career that offers longevity and meaningful contributions.

It starts here.

Why choose Community Economic Development as a career?

  • It is collaborative, fast-paced and creative
  • Gives you the opportunity to be a catalyst for change by working with government and the private sector to build healthy sustainable communities
  • You have a hand in creating local economic opportunities while improving quality of life

What are some important skills of community economic developers? 

  • Communication
  • Flexibility
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Strategic Planning
  • Leadership
  • Team Building 

What factors are involved in Community Economic Development? 

  • Community
  • Wealth Creation
  • Mobilization of Resources
  • Human Resources
  • Financial and Capital Resources
  • Physical Resources
  • Natural Resources
  • Marketable Goods and Services

What are some careers in economic development? 

  • Economic Development Officers
  • Managers of local or regional economic development organizations
  • Business development specialists with municipalities or industry organizations
  • Tourism or recreation specialists

What does an Economic Development Officer (EDO) do?

  • Conduit to the local business community with the ability to support, encourage and advise local businesses
  • Works closely with the planning department and Council to ensure an understanding and awareness of economic development
  • Strives to have key decision makers part of creating a ‘pro-business’ environment
  • Should be the most knowledgeable person regarding community assets, and should be the number one sales person to internal and external markets
  • Possesses critical thinking, great people skills, strong business background, good problem solving skills
  • Knows how to link to municipal, provincial and global economic development resources
  • Liaison between the economic development committee and/or community
  • >Supports, encourages, and advises local businesses
  • Without a large support staff, the EDO must be able to work effectively with volunteers
  • Works to build community capacity

What training is needed?

  • Knowledge and skills can be enhanced through professional development and University programs. 
  • EDA offers a range of courses designed for economic development practitioners, decision makers such as elected officials and the business community through the EDA Institute
  • Completion of these courses can be applied towards the Certified Economic Developer Ec.D. 
  • Economic Development Officer (EDO) training is also9 available through several Canadian institutions such as the University of Waterloo. 
Read more about Professional Certification here.
Economic Developers Alberta

Suite 127
#406, 917-85 Street SW 
Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

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Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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