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EDA Board of Directors

As a non-profit, EDA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. As a  governance board, it's basic responsibilities include:

  • setting policy
  • supporting the CEO
  • guiding long-range planning and development
  • raising money and monitoring finance
  • working cooperatively with other board members
  • acting as an Ambassador for the organization

The EDA Board of Directors adheres to a Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy, essential for ensuring its operational integrity. Each Board Member is required to annually endorse these policies. 

Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies

Message from the CHAIR

As Chair of Economic Developers Alberta (EDA), I’m honoured to help guide the work of this forward thinking and member-driven organization. 

As communities across Alberta adapt to evolving economic realities and pursue long-term resilience, the role of economic development professionals has never been more important. EDA is proud to be Alberta’s only professional organization dedicated to advancing economic development across the province. At the heart of this work are our members - you are the champions building strong, vibrant communities by attracting investment, supporting local businesses, and driving sustainable, long-term growth.

This year, my commitment is to continue building momentum - equipping our members with high-impact professional development, meaningful connections, and practical tools and insights that help you thrive. No matter where you are - in a big city or a small town - EDA offers the support and resources you need to create lasting impact in your community.

I’m excited about the road ahead and grateful for the opportunity to serve in this role.

Ben Young

Director, Investment Attraction

Economic Development Lethbridge

Ben Young,  2025-26 Chair

Our Honorary Patron

The role of Honorary Patron is filled by the Minister responsible for economic development. The portfolio of Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade is most aligned with the mandate of our organization. The Honorary Patron  highlights the importance of economic development, and the significant role economic developers play in our communities. 

Our Honorary Patron is  Hon. Matt Jones,  Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade.

2025-26 EDA Board of Directors

Ben Young - Chair (Lethbridge)

Amanda Mercer - Past Chair (Sylvan Lake)

Hetti Huls - Director (County of Grande Prairie) 

Lisa Sweet - Director (Fort McMurray)

Kate Koplovich - Director (Calgary)

Brett Latchford- Director (Edmonton)

Chad Sheldon- Director (Airdrie)

Rhonda Woods- Director (Whitecourt)

Lorie Watson - Director (Okotoks)

Deana Haley- Director (Calgary)

Beth Cash- Director (Cypress County)

The Association's affairs are overseen by a Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of such number of Directors as the Board may determine from time to time at an Annual General Meeting, provided that there shall be no less than nine (9) Directors and no more than thirteen (13) Directors. To view the bylaws click here.

Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

Contact Us

Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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