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Report measures Alberta's ability to compete globally.

December 10, 2010 9:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Alberta’s Competitiveness Council has released a new benchmarking report that shows the province has a competitive edge over its closest competitors but also identifies areas for improvement to ensure Alberta remains attractive to investors and business. Report on Competitiveness – Alberta 2010 provides quantifiable evidence of the province’s ability to compete in a world market by looking at a variety of factors crucial to success, including productivity, innovation, taxes and fiscal policy, regulation, transportation and infrastructure, labour force development and access to capital markets. Overall, the report indicates Alberta is performing well in comparison to 14 other provincial and international jurisdictions. Of the 60 measures, Alberta ranks first or second in 24 of them. Altogether, Alberta rates either above average or average in 45 measures. Areas of provincial strength include living standards, economic well-being, labour productivity, investment in machinery and equipment, and taxes and fiscal policy. According to the report, Alberta has room for improvement in productivity growth, innovation investments, non-resource exports, high-tech employment, and venture capital investment.This report provides solid information to guide the council in its work, including the development of recommendations for action expected next summer. It also provides government with the ability to better track trends and changes in Alberta’s competitiveness over time. A copy of the report, as well as a "highlights" version, is available on Alberta Finance and Enterprise’s website at (Source:

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