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Creating Successful Partnerships with the Private Sector

August 18, 2014 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As most economic developers know, encouraging ‘close cooperation’ between the public and private sectors can be harder than it appears – particularly after a major community crisis.

Next week, join IEDC's Restore Your Economy for a FREE Webinar to give you tips and tools on how economic developers can create successful relationships with the private sector.

Creating Successful Partnerships with the Private Sector
Thursday August 21, 2014
12:30 -2:00 MST
Cost: FREE

Drawing on case studies of recovery from Hurricane Katrina and other recent disasters, this webinar will outline the key actions for developing trusting strategic alliances between the public and private sectors. Learn how to avoid potential pitfalls and to align strategic interests from varying parties.

This Webinar is part of IEDC's 2014 Disaster Preparedness and Economic Recovery Webinar Series. This 12-part Webinar series is free of charge and provides practical information on key topics in disaster preparedness and economic recovery for economic development organizations and chambers of commerce. Each seminar hosts economic recovery practitioners with real world experience and leadership in the subject matter.

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