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EDA Training and Tools - Business and Investment Attraction Online Course begins October 3

September 21, 2023 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Do you want to gain the skills to expand your community's economic base? Do you want insight on how to develop business investment strategies that work? 

Then join us...

Our Business and Investment Attraction course, online through the University of Calgary, is an opportunity to gain insight into the key factors that make a community ‘investment ready.’

Held October 3  - November 6, there is still time to register

Furthermore, you can earn valuable points towards your Ec.D. by completing this course

Plus, EDA Members, you can apply for a scholarship through our Professional Development Fund.

You must be signed in with your EDA user email and password. 

Related resources

FREE Luncheon Webinar: Hosting Site Selectors-Best Practices

Wednesday, October 11, Noon - 1 PM 

Our guest is Invest Alberta.

FDI Readiness Toolkit

This resource is exclusive to EDA Members. 

You must sign in with your EDA user email and password to access it.

Invest in Alberta/Xperience Alberta Magazine

By securing Ad space, you can reach a targeted international audience of 15,000 decision makers in key industries

Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

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Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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