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Reminder- Call for Directors

February 27, 2013 9:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
On April 12, 2013, a new Board Directors will be elected to the Economic Developers of Alberta (EDA).
If you are interested in applying for one of the four vacant positions, or wish to nominate another Member, we encourage you to submit a Letter of Interest to Leann Hackman-Carty, Executive Director on or before March 1, 2013 at 4:30 PM.

Please ensure the following items are addressed in your Letter of Interest:
  • Name
  • Organization and Title
  • Phone
  • Email
  • How long you have been a member of EDA
  • Relevant community experience and/or employment (attach a resume if you wish)
  • Area(s) of expertise/contributions you feel you can make to EDA as a Board Director (ideally candidates would possess strong skills in education, marketing, membership development or fundraising).
All nominations submitted before the deadline will be vetted by the EDA Nominating Committee to ensure they are eligible for nomination. All nominees must be Regular members in good standing for at least one year.

A list of eligible nominees will then be presented at the AGM, at which time nominees will be allowed to say a few words in support of their nomination if they wish. A vote by the membership will then take place. The top nominees will be elected to the board. As usual, nominations will be taken from the floor, but to ensure we have an efficient AGM we would prefer any interested candidates let us know in advance.

There are monthly board phone calls (approximately 1.5 hours long) and some committee work required. The three active committees include: Education, Annual Conference and Membership & Marketing. If you have the time, and specific expertise required for the board, please email your letter of interest to Leann Hackman-Carty on or before March 1, 2013 at 4:30 PM to

Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

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Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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