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Province seeks input on new energy regulator

February 14, 2013 2:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Albertans will have a hand in building the regulations that will guide the work of the new Alberta Energy Regulator.


The regulator, which begins operations in June, marks a new phase of energy regulation for the province. Through the Responsible Energy Development Act , the province is protecting and improving participation rights for landowners , while ensuring industry has an effective and efficient regulatory process.


Public consultation sessions are scheduled to take place in 18 communities across the province beginning Wednesday February 20.


"We committed to consulting with Albertans when we passed the Responsible Energy Development Act in the fall, and we're following through on that promise," says Energy Minister Ken Hughes.


"Involvement from Albertans  is essential- we need Albertans ' input to ensure this regulator is effective and efficient for landowners, for Albertans and for industry."


"We know Albertans are passionate about responsible energy development and they now have an opportunity to provide input to how the new Alberta Energy Regulator will operate," says Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Minister Diana McQueen . "As we transition , Albertans can rest assured that our strict environmental standards will continue to be upheld."


Albertans who are unable to take part in the three-hour facilitated sessions can provide their ideas online until March 29. The survey , session registration , and other information can be found at http://www .energy.alberta .ca/lnitiatives/RegulatoryEnhancement.asp.

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Media inquiries may be directed to:

Mike Deising

Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Energy

780-643-9126, 780-901-8785

Carrie Rosa

Public Affairs Officer Energy

780-644-1773 , 587-984-4460



source: Alberta Government News Release, February 14, 2013

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