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Ministry Meet Up - Thank you for your Participation

January 28, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

EDA Ministry Meet Up

Thank you for taking part in our "EDA Ministry Meet Up: Innovation, Research, Technology." We trust you found the information valuable and made some important connections.

Thank you EDA Vice President Trevor Lewington for hosting this virtual event.

Thank you to our speakers:

  • Robert Fuller - IRAP
  • Janet Dorey - Acting Regional Director General at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Stephanie Stefura - Senior Innovation Advisor with Innovation Canada
  • Steve McMahon - Innotech Alberta
  • Doug Holt - Alberta Innovates
  • Scott Nye - Digital Alberta

    Thank you to AUMA for your support and for AUMA's Gold level partnership in these Ministry Meet Ups. 

    We know from experience there is value in bringing together economic development leaders with key government representatives, both elected and non-elected to network, build relationships and share program information. 


    If you would like to see the presentations, please click on the button below to watch a video of the Ministry Meet Up on EDA's YouTube channel.

    Watch: Innovation, Research, Technology 

    The COVID-19 pandemic, limiting our ability to meet in person safely, disrupted our 2020 Ministry Dinner in October. EDA's creative solution is developing a series of virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups.

    Every month leading to our in-person 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner, we are hosting a series of noon hour virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups with key government officials discussing specific topics. 

    Our next Meet Up is:

    Employment, Workforce, Labour, Immigration

    Wednesday, February 24

    Click on the button to read about and to register for all of the Ministry Meet Ups:

    EDA Ministry Meet Ups and 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner 
    Economic Developers Alberta

    Mailing Address:

    Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

    Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

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