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EDA News Centre

  • January 11, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Alberta Economic Development Leaders' Summit & Conference 

    The Xperience Boxes that were delivered to Xperience#EDA2020 conference delegates were a huge hit.

    We shopped locally and ensured the boxes contained high-quality Made in Alberta items. It was a creative way to showcase local products as well as profile Alberta businesses.

    The Xperience Boxes will be back for our 2021 Annual Conference!

    And we are giving YOU the chance recommend products you would like to see included in the Box!

    Are you a business owner and have a high quality Made in Alberta product you would like to see in our Xperience box?

    Does your business have the ability to take online orders?

    Or, do you recommend a business in your community? 

    Please make your submission by clicking the button below.

    (Remember the products do not necessarily have to be a food item)

    We are also looking for ideas for a "signature" item in the Xperience Box.

    The deadline to submit your recommendation is March 1. 

    Part of our 2021 Alberta Economic Development Leaders' Summit and Conference is creating even more profile for the vendors in the Xperience Box.

    Stay tuned for those details.

    If you would like to see the items in the 2020 Xperience box please click on this link to take a tour.

    Here is the list of vendors in the Xperience#EDA2020 Xperience Box. 

    Here's what some delegates had to say about their Xperience Boxes:

    I LOVE my experience box. What a fantastic idea. Can you send along my kudos for a great job to whoever is responsible?

    Thank you guys so much!!  It was a very generous gift and quite the treat!  I had a good look at each item to see where they were all from    Very lovely indeed!

    Thank you so much – the box was completely unexpected but thoroughly enjoyed. 

    Xperience box was out of this world fantastic!

    It was certainly different, intriguing, and fascinating. An excellent idea and very much appreciated.  Thank you.

  • January 05, 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's a brand new year and with it, EDA has fresh new ideas.

    Some of those ideas have been implemented in our EDA Membership program.

    New Categories

    As you may know, at our April AGM last year, new membership categories were approved to be effective January 2021.

    All members are still entitled to the many benefits of membership such as: access to world class events, professional development opportunities and resources, discounted pricing, networking opportunities, and partnership opportunities. 

    Individuals can either be a voting or non-voting member. Voting members are eligible to attend the AGM, vote on various issues, serve as an EDA Board Member and apply for our Annual Awards of Excellence.

    No Group members are voting members. 

    We encourage you to check your current membership category today in order to ensure it is the one you want to be in for 2021.

    New Ideas

    We have also created the EDA Member Memo. By simply clicking a button on our website, Members are able to share information on innovative programs and services you think would benefit EDA Members. This link will be live 365 days a year allowing you to provide feedback on an ongoing basis. 

    We know our Members are on the ground, rolling up their sleeves, practicing economic development, and making a real difference in their communities. As an organization we are eager to capture information that will better equip you with the best tools and resources to help build Alberta's economy once community at a time.

    To read more about membership, or to submit your innovative idea, click here. 

  • December 21, 2020 4:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I have thought long and hard about what I wanted to say as 2020 draws to a close.  I didn’t want this message to be just a few nice words and pleasant thoughts.  

    As you know, it truly has been an extraordinary year.

    For many of us, the year started with great optimism and hope. Then we faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncertainty, loss of normalcy, and growing anxiety ensued. Strategic plans had to be shelved; fundraising goals went unmet; trips were cancelled; events went online or were postponed indefinitely; our homes became classrooms, virtual offices and/or global headquarters; and “you are on mute” became the most frequently quoted statement.

    Even though I have been training families, businesses and communities in disaster preparedness, response and recovery for a number of years, the pandemic forced me to put this theory into practice as well. My number one goal quickly became navigating EDA successfully through these turbulent COVID waters.

    What I know, without a doubt, is that with every crisis comes opportunity. I am proud of the work the EDA board and team has accomplished this year. Our focus has been simple. Keep our members interests core, while increasing the value of what we offer. While it has been challenging, I believe we have re-envisioned how we do things, established new partners, and become more resilient as a result.

    To be honest, it has been tough. I’ve said on a number of occasions that I have felt like a pretzel- having to turn, contort and twist continually. We had to reinvent our Annual Conference, Ministry Dinner, Invest in Alberta publication, Leaders’ Summit, CEDTP training and AGM to name a few. I feel tired writing this....

    I recognize that everyone is disappointed we have been unable to meet in person, but I believe our economic development family is still very much connected and engaged. The pandemic will pass, and we will find our next normal, hopefully soon. In the interim, we will continue to make lemonade out of lemons.

    To all of our devoted partners, board, members, and supporters, thank you for your continued support, encouragement and active engagement this year. Rest assured, I do not take your support for granted and look forward to reconnecting in the New Year.  

    I trust you will be able to celebrate with your loved ones (in whatever form that takes) this holiday season, and may you continue to enjoy COVID-free health and success in 2021!


    Leann Hackman-Carty, CEO

  • October 26, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA Ministry Meet Ups 


    2021 EDA Ministry Dinner

    Our first EDA Ministry Meet Up is being held this Wednesday, October 28 noon sharp! The topic: Small Business Supports.

    You will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from: Business Link, BDC, WD and Office of Small and Medium Enterprises. Here's another perk to EDA membership; the EDA Ministry Meetups are FREE for EDA members! 

    Ministry Meet Up: Small Business Supports

    Wednesday, October 28

    12:00 - 1:00 PM MST

    Register for the October 28 Ministry Meet Up Here 

    The COVID-19 pandemic, limiting our ability to meet in person safely, as thrown a wrench in our 2020 Ministry Dinner in October. EDA's creative solution is developing a series of virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups.

    You will still be able to network, share information and discuss potential partnerships with key government officials and each other, while at the same time maintaining social distancing.

    Beginning Wednesday and leading up to our in-person 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner, we are hosting a series of noon hour virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups with key government officials discussing specific topics. 

    Thank you to AUMA for being a Gold Sponsor for the 2020-21 Ministry Meet Ups and Ministry Dinner. Read about and register for all sessions below: 

    EDA Ministry Meet Ups and 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner 

    Support this creative idea by becoming a sponsor of the EDA Ministry Meet Ups and our 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner. 

    Check out our Sponsorship Package.

    We are looking forward to this virtual series culminating in an in-person EDA Ministry Dinner in 2021. 


  • October 19, 2020 5:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Upcoming EDA Events 

    Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP)

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation

    *Nov. 10 - Dec. 14

    Register here

    Online through the University of Calgary

    Economic development is complex. This course will help you understand your role; key to the success of your career, and to the overall success of economic development in your community.

    These courses earn you points toward your professional certification

    Don't forget, if you're an EDA Member, you qualify to apply for an EDA Scholarship

    *new date


    Ministry Meet Ups

    Our First Meet Up

    October 28

    12:00 - 1:00 PM

    Register here

    EDA has created a series of virtual Ministry Meet Ups! Our creative solution to the cancellation of our in-person annual Ministry Dinner.  

    Beginning October 28 and leading up to our in-person 2021 EDA Ministry Dinner, we are hosting a series of noon hour virtual EDA Ministry Meet Ups with key government officials discussing specific topics.  

    You will be able to network, share information and discuss potential partnerships with key government officials and each other, while at the same time maintaining social distancing.


    AlbertaBusinessCounts FREE Webinar

    Dashboarding Feature


    October 20

    11:00 - 11:30 AM

    Register here

    If you are a user of our AlbertaBuisnessCounts CRM or you are thinking about signing up; join us a FREE webinar that explains the new Dashboarding feature.

    Dashboarding provides an easy way to show “at a glance” data trends, goal attainment and more.

    Whether your focus is business retention/expansion, business recruitment, COVID-19 resiliency, community or workforce development, this feature is essential. 


    EDA's Annual (virtual) Conference


    November 25 - 26

    Are you "Zoomed-out?" Then, you'll want to attend our virtual annual conference. It will be a unique "Xperience!"

    Stream first-rate professional development; attend live networking events; and get ready to receive a special delivery, right to your doorstep.

    Our Xperience#EDA2020 Annual Conference is much more than a Zoom, so, join us!

    Visit and register

    See the complete EDA Event Calendar here 

  • October 15, 2020 5:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA News

    Today, EDA received the prestigious Silver Award for Innovation in Economic Development Week at the 2020 IEDC Annual Conference. The award was presented via Zoom this morning. 

    We are thrilled and grateful to the EDA team and EDA Board of Directors who together created an award worthy series of events!

    Visit our 2020 International Economic Development Week webpage to see the various events we initiated. 



  • October 12, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Professional Development

    Economic Development Tools

    This is a quick reminder to take a minute to enrol for a couple of our online offerings designed to equip you with the tools you need to help your community thrive. The first one begins tomorrow. 

    #1  Join us for a free webinar and learn the new Dashboarding feature in our AlbertaBuisnessCounts CRM.  

    You'll want to learn about Dashboarding; a tool that provides an easy way to show “at a glance” data trends, goal attainment and more.

    Join us October 13 or 20. These sessions are free but you must register to receive call in information. Register by clicking the link below:  

    October 13 at 1:00 - 1:30 PM MST

    October 20 at  11:00 - 11:30 AM MST

    The 30 minute session includes Q&A.

    #2 Our next online course in our Community Economic Development Training program, Economic Development Establishing the Foundation, begins October 20. This world class training is one of our most popular as it provides the foundational information you need:

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation

    October 20 - November 23

    Register Here

  • October 08, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Professional Development


    FREE Dashboarding Webinars Begin Tuesday

    If you are a user of our AlbertaBuisnessCounts CRM or you are thinking about signing up; join us for FREE webinars that explain the new Dashboarding feature.

    You'll want to learn about Dashboarding because it provides an easy way to show “at a glance” data trends, goal attainment and more.

    Whether your focus is business retention/expansion, business recruitment, COVID-19 resiliency, community or workforce development, this feature is essential.  

    Join us October 13 or 20. These sessions are free but you must register to receive call in information. Regiser by clicking the link below:  

    October 13 at 1:00 - 1:30 PM MST

    October 20 at  11:00 - 11:30 AM MST

    The 30 minute session includes Q&A.

    The  AlbertaBusinessCounts (ABC) Program gives your community a consistent method for gathering the data needed to identify and analyze business needs at the local, regional and provincial level. 


    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. 

  • October 08, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Professional Development

    Economic Development Tools

    Before you carve the Thanksgiving turkey, take a minute to enrol for a couple of our online offerings designed to equip you with the tools to help your community thrive.

    #1 Our next online course in our Community Economic Development Training program, Economic Development Establishing the Foundation, begins October 20.

    You'll get the foundational information you need:

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation

    October 20 - November 23

    Register Here


    #2 If you like FREE webinars then join us and learn the new Dashboarding feature in our AlbertaBuisnessCounts CRM.  

    You'll want to learn about Dashboarding; a tool that provides an easy way to show “at a glance” data trends, goal attainment and more.

    Join us October 13 or 20. These sessions are free but you must register to receive call in information. Register by clicking the link below:  

    October 13 at 1:00 - 1:30 PM MST

    October 20 at  11:00 - 11:30 AM MST

    The 30 minute session includes Q&A.

  • October 08, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Professional Development 

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation 

     ONLINE Course Begins October 20 

    Dear Nancy Toombs,

    We don't have to tell you that economic development is complex.

    Our Economic Development Establishing the Foundation online course  is necessary if you want to fully understand how economic development positively impacts your community; and how you can maximize your role as an economic development professional.

    Register now and suggest this course to your colleagues; it builds an excellent foundation. 

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation

    October 20 - November 23

    online through the University of Calgary

    Register Here 

    All of our online Community Economic Development Training program (CEDTP) courses are open for registration; read our schedule of online CEDTP courses here and register.

    By successfully completing the courses in our CEDTP program, you qualify for points toward your Ec.D Certification. 

    You can also earn points toward the Professional Management Certificate - Economic Developers through the University of Calgary.

Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

Contact Us

Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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