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Business & Investment Attraction (BIA) ONLINE Course Begins October 6

September 15, 2020 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Business & Investment Attraction (BIA)

 ONLINE Course Begins October 6

Now that you're back in routine after summer, plan your professional development activities with EDA.

Register for our next online course and learn how to develop business and investment attraction strategies that will help your community expand its economic base. 

Equipping yourself with economic development strategies are important now more than ever. Along with the safety and convenience of online learning, our courses deliver first rate information. Our next course begins in 3 weeks: 

Business and Investment Attraction (BIA)

October 6 - November 9*

online through the University of Calgary

Register Here 

All of our online Community Economic Development Training program (CEDTP) courses are open for registration; read our schedule of online CEDTP courses here and register.

By successfully completing the courses in our CEDTP program, you qualify for points toward your Ec.D Certification. 

You can also earn points toward the Professional Management Certificate - Economic Developers through the University of Calgary.

*date has changed from September 22

Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

Contact Us

Toll Free Phone: 1-866-671-8182


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