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Register for the pre-conference sessions at the EDA Annual Conference

January 22, 2013 2:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
If you are coming to the EDA Annual Conference, think about registering for one of our Pre-Conference sessions. This year we have three to choose from! click here to register

PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINAR #1: Prairie Canada Future Game

Do you want to:
•· Engage your fellow leaders and stimulate debate and discussion about the future of your community?
•· Add extra depth and strength to your regional planning efforts?
•· Hone leadership and decision making skills?

The Prairie Canada Future Game is a highly interactive facilitation tool that allows participants to tackle the challenges of economic and community development in a fun and engaging manner. It is played in a small team format with teams making a series of critical decisions that shape the future of a typical prairie region over a 25 year period.

The tool allows leaders to work with their groups in a dynamic way. By observing how today’s decisions can impact tomorrow’s future, key leaders and groups can focus on the importance of a long term vision and what it takes to get there.

Moderator: Selena McLean-Moore, Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education
Presented by: Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education

PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINAR #2: ICCI Contribution Writing Workshop & Investment 101 Session

Invest Canada- Community Initiatives (ICCI) is a contribution program designed to help Canadian communities attract, retain and expand foreign direct investment. ICCI supports non-profit and public-private partnerships at the local community level, and follows three basic principles:
•· Focusing on supporting the attraction, retention, and expansion of foreign direct investment;
•· Work through partnerships;
•· Sharing costs.

Are you interested in learning more about the FDI attraction and Invest Canada- Community Initiatives (ICCI) contribution program? Is foreign direct investment a part of your economic development strategy? Then sign up for this pre-conference session to learn more about FDI attraction and the ICCI program for communities.

Speakers: Pierre Desmarais, Deputy Director, Investor Services Division
Bernard Lemay PhD, Special Advisor, Investor Services Division

Presented by: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINAR #3: Productivity 101 Session

The Productivity 101 Workshop is intended to help you work with your clients to inspire them to take a more strategic approach to their organizations in order to achieve their personal and business goals. Key concepts discussed will include Innovation, Operations, Leadership and Management, as well as best practices for productivity improvement in SMEs.
About the Workshop: Productivity 101 is the first step in the productivity journey. It is the starting point for a more productive and more importantly, a more profitable business. Participants will learn about the Productivity Assessment Tool, how to use the Tool with clients, and how to guide clients in developing their own custom 120-Day Productivity Action Plan.

What You Will Learn: Productivity basics including:
•· The value of productivity improvement to your own organization
•· What tools, programs, and services are available to businesses
•· How to start your journey of productivity improvement
•· The three pillars of productivity

Presented by: Productivity Alberta
Economic Developers Alberta

Mailing Address:

Suite 127, #406, 917-85 Street SW 

Calgary, AB, Canada T3H 5Z9 

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