EDA News Centre

  • June 07, 2016 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Planning is in full swing for EDA's 2017 Annual Confernece being held March 22-24, 2017. The theme for next year's event is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity.

    Known for its excellence in convening conferences, The Banff Centre is the new venue for the Conference. The increasing popularity of our Conference requires a larger facility with options and support that will enhance our Conference programming, and delegate experience. The Banff Centre will help to facilitate EDA's leadership programming, team building, networking and peer to peer learning opportunities.

    EDA has secured a block of rooms at The Banff Centre for delegates to stay at the Conference site. If you choose to stay on site, we recommend you register for the Conference early and book your accommodation soon.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • June 06, 2016 4:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Planning is underway for EDA's second annual Ministry Dinner. We are taking registrations for the 2016 event which sold out last year.

    Once again we are pleased that Miller Thomson is the primary sponsor of this event. We have one more $2500.00 sponsorship available. If you or any of your key contacts are interested in being involved please let me know at nancy.toombs@edaalberta.ca.

    The 2016 Ministry Dinner gives the province's economic development professionals as well as key government decision makers the opportunity to share ideas, information and discuss potential partnerships. 

    2016 EDA Ministry Dinner
    Thursday October 27, 2015
    Matrix Hotel, Prism Room and Amber Room
    10640-100 Avenue, Edmonton

    Cocktails: 5:00- 6:00 pm

    Dinner: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

    Register here

    By supporting the leadership role of economic developers, we also fortify their efforts to ensure the economic viability of their communities. 

  • May 19, 2016 9:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA is presenting another free training webinar in our AlbertaBusinessCounts Program. 

    In this webinar you will explore using AlbertaBusinessCounts to get the most of your existing industries program; from the visitation process to referrals to analytics.

    AlbertaBusinessCounts Training Webinar
    Friday June 3, 2016
    12:00- 1:00 pm

    Register here

    We recommend you sign up for AlbertaBusinessCounts as it is an excellent tool for your business retention and expansion strategy.  It is designed to give your community a consistent method for gathering data needed to identify and analyze business needs at the local, regional and provincial level. Click here to see the communities who are using AlbertaBusinessCounts.

    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. 

  • May 17, 2016 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are living in a time of rapid economic transition driven by the exponential rate of change in technology and demographics. It's no longer enough to just adapt to change, we need to anticipate it so our communities do not become extinct in the new economy. Are you prepared? 

    Join EDA for our next marketing masters webinar: 

    How to Spot the Trends Shaping our Future Economy
    Thursday, May 26
    12:00 - 1:30 pm (MST)
    Register here

    *Please note all fees are in USD

    In this webinar you will how the use of a STEEP (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political) process trend analysis shows developments that will shape our future and help your organization move from strategic planning to strategic doing!

    You will learn:

    • Why anticipating trends is pertinent to your community’s prosperity
    • How to use STEEP trend analysis to anticipate changes
    • What are the industries of the future
    • What skills will be needed to thrive during this time of transition
    • What infrastructure will be required to give you a competitive advantage
    • How you and your community will benefit and find opportunity in this time of change

    Join Us!

  • May 17, 2016 9:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As an elected official you have an opportunity to champion economic development in your community. 

    In today's economic climate, now more than ever, it's important to understand and reinforce economic development initiatives. EDA is giving you the tools to support the work of economic development officers in your community by offering our Course for Elected Officials

    Our next course is one month from today in Edmonton.  Register now to avoid the waiting list:

    Edmonton Economic Development, 4th Floor, 9990 Jasper Avenue
    Friday, June 17
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm 
    Register here

    EDA has also added more dates in 2016. In our course you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers use to help to revitalize economies. Plan ahead and register today: 

    City of Airdrie, Council Chambers
    Friday, September 16
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here

    St. Paul
    Friday, October 21
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here 

    If you would like to book a course in your community simply e-mail: admin@edaalberta.ca 

  • May 16, 2016 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that this Wednesday is the deadline for the special advertising rate for EDA Members for the 2017 edition of Invest in Alberta

    If you book your ad before May 18, you will receive a 10% discount. See the rate card here. 

    Now more than ever, entrepreneurs and decision makers around the world need to understand Alberta's potential for growth in our diverse industries. With a circulation of 15,000 Invest in Alberta is an excellent opportunity to showcase your message to this influential audience.  

    To learn about other value added services Venture Publishing provides and to book your ad please contact: 

     Anita McGillis  amcgillis@venturepublishing.ca and 403-228-4337 x 229


  • May 13, 2016 9:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As the first ever Economic Development Week wraps up we encourage you to take the time to recognize how economic development officers in your community have made a difference. 

    Each year at EDA's Annual Conference we present our Awards of Excellence which showcases the work of Alberta EDOs. Thank you for the hard work and dedication you have to your profession and for helping to make Alberta communities prosper.

    Using the hashtags #YearofEconDev and #AbEDO tweet about your EDOs accomplishments. Together lets recognize the hard work of Alberta EDOs!

    Click on this link for examples of how IEDC is encouraging its members to celebrate Economic Development Week.

    This week was created by EDA's strategic partner, IEDC, as part of it's 90th Anniversary celebrations. 

  • May 12, 2016 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's Economic Development Week and EDA would like to encourage you to recognize how economic development officers in your community have made a difference. 

    How have your EDOs contributed to Business Retention and Expansion? What examples are there in your region that showcase how your EDO saw both a need and the possibilities for improving the environment for local businesses.

    Using the hashtags #YearofEconDev and #AbEDO tweet about your EDOs accomplishments as they relate to Business Retention and Expansion.

    Together lets recognize the hard work of Alberta EDO's!

    Click on this link for examples of how IEDC is encouraging its members to celebrate Economic Development Week.

    This week was created by EDA's strategic partner, IEDC,  as part of it's 90th Anniversary celebrations. 

  • May 12, 2016 9:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Friday, June 17 is the next date to attend EDA's Course for Elected Officials

    EDA has also added more dates in 2016 for this one-day course that delivers information on the facts and tools this unique group of community leaders needs to understand and reinforce economic development initiatives. Plan ahead and register today. Now more than ever, it's important to be a champion of economic development.

    EDA's Course for Elected Officials Dates:

    Edmonton Economic Development, 4th Floor, 9990 Jasper Avenue
    Friday, June 17
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm 
    Register here

    City of Airdrie, Council Chambers
    Friday, September 16
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here

    St. Paul
    Friday, October 21
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here 

    In this course you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers use to help to revitalize economies. 

    EDA is presenting you with an excellent opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding on how economic development works in your community. 

    Join us!

    If you would like to book a course in your community simply e-mail admin@edaalberta.ca 

  • May 11, 2016 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's Economic Development Week and EDA would like to encourage you to recognize how economic development officers in your community have made a difference. 

    How have your EDOs contributed to Business and Investment Attraction? What examples are there in your region that showcase how your EDO identified the best investment targets and creatively got their attention!

    Using the hashtags #YearofEconDev and #AbEDO tweet about your EDOs accomplishments as they relate to Business and Investment Attraction.

    Together lets recognize the hard work of Alberta EDO's!

    Click on this link for examples of how IEDC is encouraging its members to celebrate Economic Development Week.

    This week was created by EDA's strategic partner, IEDC,  as part of it's 90th Anniversary celebrations.