Economic Development Week - Business Retention and Expansion

May 12, 2016 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

It's Economic Development Week and EDA would like to encourage you to recognize how economic development officers in your community have made a difference. 

How have your EDOs contributed to Business Retention and Expansion? What examples are there in your region that showcase how your EDO saw both a need and the possibilities for improving the environment for local businesses.

Using the hashtags #YearofEconDev and #AbEDO tweet about your EDOs accomplishments as they relate to Business Retention and Expansion.

Together lets recognize the hard work of Alberta EDO's!

Click on this link for examples of how IEDC is encouraging its members to celebrate Economic Development Week.

This week was created by EDA's strategic partner, IEDC,  as part of it's 90th Anniversary celebrations.