EDA News Centre

  • August 04, 2011 8:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    "Communities should be given the greatest possible opportunity to have their say and the greatest possible degree of local control." So said the Conservative Party in its policy Green Paper, Open Source Planning, published before the last election. "Restoring democratic and local control" has always been at the heart of the party's proposals for planning reform and sits at the centre of the localist agenda.

    Designing local plans "from the bottom up" to reflect the "aspirations of neighbourhoods" with "every single resident of the neighbourhood approached to take part" and allowing residents to sell their support for local schemes in return for financial compensation from developers were all firmly on the localist agenda, and apparently integral to the emergence of the Big Society that is itself so fundamental to over-arching government policy.


    There was also a written ministerial statement by Greg Clark urging upon councils the importance of "driving and supporting the growth that this country needs" and encouraging them to "support enterprise and facilitate housing". These developments appeared to signal a change of direction best illustrated, perhaps, by Chancellor George Osborne when delivering his Budget: "Yes, local communities should have a greater say in planning, but from today we will expect all bodies involved in planning to prioritise growth and jobs. We will introduce a new presumption in favour of sustainable development, so that the default answer to development is 'yes'."

    The picture, then, is one of compromise, and a somewhat unhappy one at that. As the CLG Committee noted in another of its reports, "the concept of 'localism' is far from new, nor is it particularly controversial." It is the manner of its application in the current economic climate that has caused so much anxiety in the industry. This, according to the Committee, "has thus far been marked by inconsistency and incoherence". One of the reasons for this is surely the fundamental tension between the need to secure development for the sake of economic growth and the desire to put planning powers in the hands of the communities expected to accommodate that development. (Source: Michael Gallimore, Harry Spurr)

  • May 28, 2011 9:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edmonton... A partnership of government and business leaders has identified 18 priority actions to make Alberta’s economy more competitive, including steps to address Alberta’s looming labour shortage.

    In its report, Moving Alberta Forward, the Alberta Competitiveness Council recommends 13 sector-specific actions, as well as five general actions to improve Alberta’s overall competitiveness:  

    1. Increase participation and employment of groups under-represented in Alberta’s economy.
    2. Remove barriers to employing workers from other parts of Canada and abroad.
    3. Leverage and promote productivity networks like Productivity Alberta, so employers know where to go to find out what tools, services and programs are available to them.
    4. Assess the ability to increase weight limits to allow transportation of higher density components and heavier loads of equipment to Alberta’s oil sands projects.
    5. Establish measures to regularly assess Alberta’s regulatory performance.
  • May 18, 2011 12:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edmonton... A partnership of government and business leaders has identified 18 priority actions to make Alberta’s economy more competitive, including steps to address Alberta’s looming labour shortage.

    In its report, Moving Alberta Forward, the Alberta Competitiveness Council recommends 13 sector-specific actions, as well as five general actions to improve Alberta’s overall competitiveness:  

    1. Increase participation and employment of groups under-represented in Alberta’s economy.
    2. Remove barriers to employing workers from other parts of Canada and abroad.
    3. Leverage and promote productivity networks like Productivity Alberta, so employers know where to go to find out what tools, services and programs are available to them.
    4. Assess the ability to increase weight limits to allow transportation of higher density components and heavier loads of equipment to Alberta’s oil sands projects.
    5. Establish measures to regularly assess Alberta’s regulatory performance.
  • April 11, 2011 1:37 PM | Anonymous

    Economic Development Lethbridge is pleased to present the

    2011 Economic Trends & Forecast Luncheon - June 1, 2011

    Plan to attend this fast-paced and informative luncheon featuring a local economic perspective from EDL Chief Executive Officer Cheryl Dick and the insights of best-selling author and technology forecaster Leonard Brody.
    Leonard is a highly sought after speaker on business leadership, innovation and competitiveness. As a respected entrepreneur and venture capitalist he will offer insight on investment opportunities and successful strategies within the context of technology and innovation.
    Economic Development Lethbridge is committed to supporting the success of the local and regional economy by providing accurate, quality data that helps local business owners and leaders make informed decisions and plan for ongoing success. In addition to Cheryl’s perspective, an Economic Trends and Indicators Report will be available exclusively to luncheon attendees.

    To register, please visit www.chooselethbridge.ca/etfl

  • March 04, 2011 2:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Is your business seeking international growth, collaborators for R&D projects, technology licensing or strategic alliances?


    You’ll discover these opportunities and more on a technology partnering mission to

    Missouri May 15-18th, 2011 .

    Leaders from

    Missouri ’s economic development agencies and university tech transfer offices visited Edmonton in August 2010 to promote business between companies and researchers in Alberta and Missouri . This return mission, hosted by the Missouri Department of Economic Development, provides you an exclusive opportunity to meet technology businesses from St. Louis , Columbia and Kansas City and tour world-class research facilities. The mission will be customized to the interests of participants– so register early for your chance to shape the itinerary.

    Missouri ’s small and medium-sized technology companies and facilities devoted to research and commercialization are a good fit with Alberta ’s research strengths and emerging tech companies. Check out www.missouripartnership.com to learn more. Areas of particular opportunity include:

    • Micro- and nano-scale research & fabrication
    • Life sciences
    • Agri-business and Ag-biotech

    Potential visits and meetings include:

    The Center for Nanoscience at

    University of Missouri St. Louis

    Washington University Human Genome Center

    Kereos – targeted therapeutics and molecular imaging

    Mediomics – biosensors & biomarkers

    Donald Danforth Plant Science Center – research in biofuels, ag-biotech

    Monsanto – multi-national ag-biotech corporation


    Sunday, May 15th          Arrive St. Louis, welcome reception & overview presentations

    Monday, May 16th        

    Tours and meetings in St. Louis

    Travel to

    Columbia for networking dinner

    Tuesday, May 17th       

    Tours and meetings in Columbia

    Travel to KC for late afternoon meeting, networking dinner

    Wednesday, May 18th  

    Tours and meetings in KC



    Alberta companies will be responsible for their own air travel and accommodation. There is no cost to participate in the mission and on-the-ground/inter-city transportation, many meals and networking events will be provided by the hosts in Missouri .

    For more information or to register for the mission, please contact:

    David Freeman, Trade Commissioner Service Edmonton Regional Office

    (780) 495-3060 or david.freeman@international.gc.ca

    Expressions of interest by March 15th

    Extend your international business experience in

    Missouri : Attend Futurallia 2011 May 18-20th

    Futurallia 2011 is a business match-making forum that will bring more than 800 small to medium sized businesses from more than 30 countries to

    Kansas City, Missouri from May 18-20, 2011 . Meet with up to 16 potential trade/strategic partners over two days through a series of short (30 minute), pre-arranged, meetings, plus network with dozens of other companies. Think of it as speed dating for businesses!

    Alberta ’s delegation leaders are looking for companies to join the delegations attending Futurallia 2011. For more information or to register to attend, please contact:

    Gary Slipp, Delegation leader for Calgary and Southern Alberta

    (403) 221-4253 gslipp@calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com

    Erin Gates, Delegation leader for

    Red Deer and Central Alberta

    (403) 356-4864 Erin.gates@rdc.ab.ca

    If you are interested in learning more about business-to-business partnering at Futurallia 2011, please visit www.futuralliakc2011.com.

    ** Registration in Futurallia is not required to participate in the mission to

    Missouri .

    Choose one or the other, or leverage your business travel dollars by attending both!

  • December 10, 2010 9:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Alberta’s Competitiveness Council has released a new benchmarking report that shows the province has a competitive edge over its closest competitors but also identifies areas for improvement to ensure Alberta remains attractive to investors and business. Report on Competitiveness – Alberta 2010 provides quantifiable evidence of the province’s ability to compete in a world market by looking at a variety of factors crucial to success, including productivity, innovation, taxes and fiscal policy, regulation, transportation and infrastructure, labour force development and access to capital markets. Overall, the report indicates Alberta is performing well in comparison to 14 other provincial and international jurisdictions. Of the 60 measures, Alberta ranks first or second in 24 of them. Altogether, Alberta rates either above average or average in 45 measures. Areas of provincial strength include living standards, economic well-being, labour productivity, investment in machinery and equipment, and taxes and fiscal policy. According to the report, Alberta has room for improvement in productivity growth, innovation investments, non-resource exports, high-tech employment, and venture capital investment.This report provides solid information to guide the council in its work, including the development of recommendations for action expected next summer. It also provides government with the ability to better track trends and changes in Alberta’s competitiveness over time. A copy of the report, as well as a "highlights" version, is available on Alberta Finance and Enterprise’s website at www.finance.alberta.ca/competitiveness. (Source: www.financealberta.ca).

  • December 10, 2010 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Alberta’s Competitiveness Council has released a new benchmarking report that shows the province has a competitive edge over its closest competitors but also identifies areas for improvement to ensure Alberta remains attractive to investors and business.  Report on Competitiveness – Alberta 2010 provides quantifiable evidence of the province’s ability to compete in a world market by looking at a variety of factors crucial to success, including productivity, innovation, taxes and fiscal policy, regulation, transportation and infrastructure, labour force development and access to capital markets. A copy of the report, as well as a "highlights" version, is available on Alberta Finance and Enterprise’s website at www.finance.alberta.ca/competitiveness.

  • November 09, 2010 9:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today launched economic consultations to seek Canadians' views on the next phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan. He was accompanied by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, Ted Menzies. The Prime Minister made the announcement in Winnipeg during a meeting with small business owners and hard working families to discuss economic opportunities and ways to build Canada's economic future. "The economic recovery remains fragile and Canadians remain concerned about the economy, jobs and their household budgets," the Prime Minister noted. “That is why our government’s number one priority remains the economy and we continue to be focused on creating jobs and supporting families." Launched in 2009, the Economic Action Plan has so far contributed to creating over 420,000 new jobs since July 2009 and helped the country emerge from the global economic crisis faster and stronger than most other major industrial countries around the world. The Prime Minister noted that both the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development had projected that Canada will lead the G-7 in growth over the next two years. "We will continue delivering the stability needed for the economic well being of hard working families, small business owners and entrepreneurs by controlling spending, cutting the deficit, eliminating waste and keeping taxes low,” said Prime Minister Harper. “That’s why were here today. We want to hear from Canadians on the next phase of our Economic Action Plan. Our Government shares your values and belief in hard work to get the job done – your priorities are our priorities and our Government is listening to you.” Over the coming months, the Prime Minister, his Cabinet and caucus will travel to small towns, communities and cities across the country to listen to and seek the views of Canadians on our long term Economic Action Plan. "Turning our fragile economic recovery into an enduring and robust performance over the longer term will also mean taking further steps to hone our competitive edge. This means building on our efforts to attract foreign investment, opening up new markets and opportunities for Canadian businesses and laying the foundation for long-term sustainable jobs," the Prime Minister added. (Source: The Prime Minister's Officc- Communications)

  • October 25, 2010 9:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) announced today the launch of the CYBF Newcomer Entrepreneur Program. This specialized program is designed to helpnewcomers to Canada, aged 18 to 34, start a business and make a smooth transition into the Canadian entrepreneurial community. A recent report indicated that immigrants are 30 per cent more likely to start a business or become self-employed than Canadian born people1. However, when starting businesses in Canada, newcomers face language and cultural barriers, havedifficulties obtaining loans due to a lack of a Canadian credit history and are oftenunfamiliar with Canadian business customs. CYBF has created this program to address these issues. “As Canada’s Entrepreneur Gateway, CYBF is excited to introduce this unique program that addresses the challenges newcomers face when starting their businesses and provides the necessary support system to build successful start-ups,” says Vivian Prokop, chief executive officer, CYBF. “These young Canadians are a strong representation of Canada’s multicultural landscape and are key to the country’s economic recovery.” The CYBF Newcomer Entrepreneur Program provides many solutions to the commonly experienced obstacles faced by newcomers who want to start a business. The program offers flexible loan assessments and hand-matches the entrepreneurs with a business mentor who will provide invaluable insight into running a business in Canada. To qualify for the CYBF Newcomer Entrepreneur Program, applicants must meet
    specific criteria. Additional information on the program can be reviewed at www.cybf.ca/entrepreneurs/newcomer.
    (Source: CYBF Media Release)
  • October 16, 2010 9:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA presents cheque to John Wood, Founder & CEO of Room to Read. At the 2010 EDA conference, delegates received a presentation from Erin Ganju and Samantha Terry of Room to Read. They spoke about how they are changing the world one child at a time through education. Leann Hackman-Carty presented John with a cheque representing 1/2 proceeds of the 2010 Silent Auction, which was a donation from conference delegates. This cheque completed Samantha's goal to build a school in Nepal, and that work is now underway. Congratulations EDA! not only are you making a difference locally and regionally, but you are impacting lives throughout the world!

    Michael Lynn (Calgary Chapter Room to Read), Leann Hackman-Carty (EDA) and John Wood (Room to Read) 

    Mrs. Terry, Leann Hackman-Carty, Samantha Terry