EDA News Centre

  • April 22, 2013 11:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    It was originally designed for business development officers working in DFAIT's Embassies and Consulants. In May, this session delivered by Bernard Lemay PhD, Senior Advisor, Investment Training at DFAIT will be available to YOU.
    Economic Developers Alberta, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation and Calgary Economic Development are teaming up with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) to bring its 2-day Investment Development 101 Course to Calgary, May 27-28, 2013 and to Edmonton May 29-30, 2013.
    Click on those dates to register.
    Focused on providing participants with an overview of investment promotion, prospecting and services functions, it also gives you a great networking opportunity, a dynamic forum to discuss roles and responsibilities, and consolidates federal, provincial/territorial, regional and local partnerships.

    At this session you will acquire valuable information for your economic development practice such as:
    Foreign Direct Investment - A global perspective
    Overview of Invest in Canada Strategy
    The main partners role
    Investment processes
    Introduction to Strategic Planning: Investment - Market Action Plan
    Reasons to invest in Canada
    Targeting potential investors
    Introduction to company visits
    Aftercare and BR&E
    ICCI Program
    In recognition of the key role partnerships play in DFAIT’s Foreign Direct Investment Strategy, DFAIT is now offering this course to its partners including federal (Posts & HQ Ottawa), provincial/territorial, regional and local governments.

    Nancy Toombs
  • April 19, 2013 12:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 19, 2013
    Brantford, Ontario

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today launched consultations with businesses on the Canada Job Grant, an Economic Action Plan 2013 initiative that will create jobs by transforming the way Canadians receive skills training. He was accompanied by Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, and Phil McColeman, Member of Parliament for Brant.
    “I am pleased to launch consultations on the Canada Job Grant,” said Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “The Canada Job Grant will take skills-training choices out of the hands of government and put them where they belong: in the hands of employers with unfilled jobs and Canadians who want to work.”

    Training in Canada is not sufficiently aligned to the skills employers need or to the jobs that are actually available. There are too many jobs that go unfilled in Canada because employers can’t find workers with the right skills. Meanwhile, there are still too many Canadians looking for work.

    The Canada Job Grant will transform the way Canadians receive training. Canadians who have an offer for a new job or a better job may qualify for up to $15,000 or more to learn new skills to accept the new or better job, from a $5,000 maximum federal contribution and matching contributions from an employer and province or territory.

    Today’s consultation in Brantford is the first of a series of consultations that will take place with stakeholder groups such as employer associations, educational institutions and labour organizations on the design of the Canada Job Grant.

  • April 13, 2013 9:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    (Calgary, AB) Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) has announced its newly elected 2013 Board of Directors. Each member is elected by the membership and serves a two-year term.

    Richard Pauls- President (Airdrie)
    Kent McMullin- Past President (Edmonton)
    Jeff Penney- Vice-President (Fort McMurray)
    Deana Haley- Treasurer (Calgary)
    Matt Cornall- Secretary (Red Deer)
    Karen Wronko- Director (Edmonton)
    Gerry Gabinet- Director (Strathcona County)
    Gail Scott- Director (Leduc)
    Court Ellingson- Director (Calgary)
    Ray Darwent- Director (Edmonton)
    Sara Chamberlain- Director (Airdrie)
    Patrick Earl- Director (Bon Accord)
    In addition, the Honourable Thomas Lukaszuk, Minister of Enterprise & Advanced Education is the Honorary Patron for the organization

    “I am extremely pleased with the experience and knowledge this diverse group of individuals will bring to our organization and look forward to working with them”, states Richard Pauls, EDA President. “Economic developers play an essential role in helping Alberta communities build, grow and diversify their economies.
    As an organization, we are committed to providing our members with the best training, information sharing and education possible to ensure their future success.”


    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is the only professional organization for economic developers in Alberta. It is dedicated to advancing the economic development profession by providing an active network of communications, information and education. It is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors, who represent the interests of its membership as a whole.


    For more information contact:

    Richard Pauls, President
    Work: (403) 874-4943

    Leann Hackman-Carty, Executive Director
    Cell: 403-807-7746
  • April 11, 2013 10:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Economic Developers Association of Alberta (EDA) presented its annual Awards of Excellence during the Minister’s Dinner & Awards Banquet at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge. These awards honour Alberta communities and individuals for excellence in business attraction, retention, expansion and marketing.

    A new award was introduced this year. The Outstanding Young Professional Award celebrates an EDA member under the age of 35 who demonstrates impressive professional achievements to date and future promise. The inaugural award was presented to Mr. Jordan Rumohr, Manager of Industrial Development, Strathcona County.

    The association’s most prestigious honour, the Economic Developer of the Year Award, was presented to Ms. Bev Thornton, Executive Director, Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance. The award recognizes a member’s significant contribution to economic development in Alberta.

    The Alex Metcalfe Award acknowledges individuals or agencies for excellence in economic development relating to the attraction, expansion or retention of business in Alberta. The 2013 Alex Metcalfe Awards went to:

    Calgary Economic Development (Large Community category) for its Ireland-Scotland Labour Attraction Mission
    Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance (Medium Community category) for the Alberta SouthWest Regional Business License Program
    The Marketing Alberta Awards showcase outstanding marketing initiatives that support economic development. This year, 19 awards were presented to:


    (Large Community) – Calgary Regional Partnership, www.explorecalgaryregion.ca
    (Medium Community) - City of Leduc, www.1calendar.ca
    (Small Community) - Woodlands County. www.albertaicons.com
    Special Events, Programs or Campaigns:

    (Large Community) - Strathcona County, Savour Strathcona County
    (Medium Community) - Town of High River. “High River - Home of Heartland” Street Party Launch
    (Small Community) - Town of Bon Accord, Summer Skies Equinox
    Creative Innovations – Video:

    (Large Community) - Central Alberta: Access Prosperity, Access Prosperity Animated Promotional Videos
    (Medium Community) - Rocky View County, The Rocky View Advantage
    (Small Community) - Town of Vegreville, Why Vegreville?

    (Large Community) - Calgary Economic Development, Energy Sector Profile
    (Medium Community) - Town of Okotoks, Okotoks Visitor Guide
    (Small Community) - Town of Vermilion, New Business Development Incentive Program
    Advertising (print or electronic):

    (Large Community) - Calgary Economic Development, Advertorial with Inbound Logistics Magazine
    Creative Innovation - Promotional Item or Giveaway:

    (Large Community) - Calgary Economic Development, Advertorial Newspaper Wrap for CAPP Symposium
    (Small Community) - Town of Vermilion, Vermilion's Map & Business Guide
    Social Media in a Marketing Campaign:

    (Small Community) – Woodlands County, Alberta Community Icons
    Branding-Destination Marketing:

    (Large Community) - Calgary Economic Development, Calgary “Be Part of the Energy” Marketing Campaign
    Medium Community) - City of Fort Saskatchewan, Downtown Branding & Wayfinding Project
    (Small Community) - Town of Vermilion, New Ideas for Living!
    Finally, the President’s Award recognizes an individual in the Association that has made a significant contribution to the organization. This year’s Award was presented to Ms. Deana Haley, Calgary Economic Development.

  • April 07, 2013 9:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    EDA is featured in the April edition of The Canadian Business Journal. Executive Director Leann Hackman-Carty is interviewed. Highlights of the article include information about our Annual Conference and our Community Economic Development Training Program. 

    Read the article here
  • April 04, 2013 8:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Just a week to go before our Annual Conference and time is running out to register for the Pre-Conference Sessions.

    The session, "Lets Make A Pitch," sponsored by Talisman Energy, has already sold out!

    You can still get in on the three other sessions but hurry, they're filling up.

    Click on the links below to register:

    1. Prairie Canada Future Game

    Just 4 spots left!! This course is delivered by placing you on a team that makes critical decisions that shape the future of a typical prairie region; its fun and interactive. The session runs- 9:30-11:30 am.

    2. ICCI Workshop and Investment 101

    Is Foreign Direct Investment part of your economic development strategy? If so, this course is for you! Presented by Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada, it will teach you the ins and outs of the ICCI Contribution Program. The session runs 9:00am-12:00 noon

    3. Productivity 101

    In this session you will get the tools to improve productivity in your own organization as well as guide your clients in developing their own 120-Day Productivity Action Plan. The session runs 9:00am-12:00 noon.

    All of the Pre-Conference Sessions are being held the morning of Wednesday, April 10. The official start of the Conference is 1:00pm.

    See you at the Conference #EDA2013
  • March 29, 2013 8:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the death of Ralph Klein, former Premier of Alberta:
    “Alberta and Canada have lost a unique and significant leader. While Ralph’s beliefs about the role of government and fiscal responsibility were once considered radical, it is perhaps his greatest legacy that these ideas are now widely embraced across the political spectrum.

    “A broadcast journalist, Ralph was a gifted story teller who earned the public’s trust long before he sought public office. Before entering provincial politics he served as Mayor of Calgary, helping to welcome the world during the 1988 Winter Olympics. Premier of Alberta from 1992 to 2006, Ralph played a crucial role in securing for his province and our entire country, the economic success from which both continue to benefit today.

    “While Ralph had opponents, he made few personal enemies. To me, he wasn’t King Ralph, as some described him. Instead, during a colourful political career he remained Citizen Ralph - a man equally at home in the Petroleum Club as he was in the St. Louis Hotel. A man who said what he believed and did what he said.

    “Laureen and I join Calgarians, Albertans and Canadians in paying tribute to Ralph. Our thoughts and prayers are with Colleen and all members of the Klein family at this difficult time.”

  • March 27, 2013 11:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The next Course For Elected Officials is coming up in one month so book now to secure your spot. Space is limited!

    The Course For Elected Officials is being held:

    Friday April 26, 2013 in Strathcona County.

    Economic development is a team sport. All leadership in your community needs to be informed and engaged so encourage your Municipal Councilllors to sign up!

    This course is designed for the elected official and those working along side that individual to acquire skills such as:
    1. Understanding the role and function of community economic development.
    2. Learning best practices in areas like: business investment, tourism development, industrial development, and leveraging public and private partnerships.
    3. Techniques to bring the whole community to the table.
    4. How to create effective outcomes for your community.
  • March 21, 2013 9:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Registration closes tomorrow Friday, March 22 at 4:30 pm for EDA's Annual Conference in Kananaskis. Don't miss this important professional development and networking opportunity. Register online now if you have not done so.

    Also, if you have not yet booked your hotel room at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge do so here.

    You can also go online to register for one of the pre-conference sessions; space is available but limited so register now to avoid disappointment.

    Prairie Canada Future Game
    ICCI Contribution Writing Workshop & Investment 101 Session
    Productivity 101 Session

    Remember to pack a few items for the Silent Auction table; a round of golf, or a piece of art that represents your region are just a couple of ideas.

    Need a ride? Check out the various transportation options to K-Country, including car pooling.

    Our social media pages will be buzzing during the Conference with updates and other important information:
    follow us on Facebook
    join our LinkedIn group

    See you at the Conference #EDA2013
  • March 20, 2013 9:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    (Calgary, AB): Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is pleased to confirm Talisman Energy Inc. as its Platinum Sponsor for the 2013 EDA Conference.
    The annual EDA conference attracts almost 300 economic development experts and elected officials from various parts of the province. Delegates are provided with updates on economic development issues and trends, best practices, inspiring keynote addresses and valuable networking opportunities.

    The 2013 conference will be held April 10-12, 2013 at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge in Kananaskis, Alberta. The theme is “Ideas, Innovation and Inspiration.”
    “We are extremely excited about the conference this year, and are thrilled Talisman Energy Inc. has confirmed their participation as Platinum Sponsor, which includes sponsorship of the Minister’s Dinner & Awards Ceremony that will take place on the night of April 11,” states Kent McMullin, EDA President. “Talisman’s corporate commitment to promoting economic development both within and outside of Alberta is to be commended.”

    "Talisman Energy is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2013 EDA Conference,” says Jerry Lemmon, External Relations at Talisman. “We operate in numerous locations across Alberta, and we are committed to using local contractors wherever possible to support the economic development of the communities in which we operate. We are also proud to support local community projects through our Community Investment program, where we contribute to community based projects in education, environment and empowering local communities and First Nations.”

    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is the only professional association for economic developers in the province. It is dedicated to advancing the economic development profession by providing an active network of communications, information and education. It is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors, who represent the interests of its membership as a whole.
    The 2013 conference includes an impressive agenda with over 30 speakers from around Alberta, Canada and the United States. For specific event details including the most up to date agenda go online to www.edaalberta.ca.

    Talisman Energy Inc. is a global upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman has two main operating areas: the Americas (North America and Colombia), and Asia-Pacific. Talisman is committed to conducting business safely, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability (North America) Index. Talisman is listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges under the symbol TLM.

    For more information contact:

    Leann Hackman-Carty, Executive Director
    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA)
    Work: (403) 214-0224
    Email: leann@edaalberta.ca

    Jerry Lemmon, Team Lead, External Relations -
    Communications and Core Services
    Talisman Energy Inc.
    Work: (403) 693-2177
    Email: jlemmon@talisman-energy.com
