EDA News Centre

  • July 26, 2013 1:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Earlier this week, under the leadership of Minister Doug Horner, the Government of Alberta introduced its Hand-Up Plan to support the 1,500 small businesses and 400 not-for-profit groups affected by the floods. Under the plan, they are partnering with financial institutions to provide low-interest loans and interest rebate programs to help businesses and communities recover and rebuild. Business owners can determine their eligibility by contacting their financial institution or by visiting the website here: http://alberta.ca/Small-Business-Recovery-Program.cfm.

  • July 23, 2013 2:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to identify a number of ways EDA can support our members as a result of the recent flooding.

    As some of you may recall, immediately after the flood, I sent out an email that provided key links to valuable resources available on IEDC's Restore Your Economy portal. This portal has a variety of key resources on disaster preparedness and economic recovery, including case studies and webinars from communities that have experienced disasters in the past.

    We also invited our members to share resources with us to be added to our website. We will continue to populate this section in the future as more resources become available to us.

    I also made some personal phone calls to members that were most impacted by the flood. At that time I reassured them that EDA and its members cared. I also made the commitment to connect again in the near future with more specific ideas about how we could help support them in their post-disaster economic recovery efforts.

    In the next few weeks, I will be sharing more details with you about EDA's Economic Disaster Recovery Project. The EDA board is fully supportive of this approach and we are just confirming final details with our key partners. To date, we have confirmed the involvement of the Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the Government of Alberta, Enterprise and Advanced Education. We also plan to engage our members in this process.

    As you will see, EDA's Economic Disaster Recovery Project offers a strategic approach with a number of key elements. The first element is our webinar "Economic Recovery: What Happens After the Storm" on July 24. If you have not yet registered, you definitely should. The webinar will feature three extremely experienced, well-respected leaders from IEDC and its “Restore Your Economy” project as panelists. Participants will learn about the various stages of economic recovery and hear tangible examples and advice on how to undertake successful economic recovery efforts in their communities. it's free, so don't miss it. Register today.

    We know that economic recovery won't be easy. The flood has weakened Alberta's economic development landscape, leaving gaps in organizational capacity, staff and resources.

    We realize our economic development agencies and stakeholders will need additional capacity building assistance and training.

    EDA is committed to equipping our members with key resources and training in order to help shorten economic recovery time, while building local capacity should the need for this type of response be required again in the future.

    I look forward to sharing more details about our Economic Disaster Recovery Project in the near future, and encourage you to join us on Wednesday for the webinar.


    Leann Hackman-Carty
    Executive Director
  • July 23, 2013 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 23, 2013
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today the following changes in the senior ranks of the Public Service:
    George Da Pont, currently President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, becomes Deputy Minister of Health, effective August 12, 2013.

    Bruce Archibald, currently President of the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, becomes President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, effective August 12, 2013.

    Karen Ellis, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, becomes President of the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, effective August 12, 2013.

    Anita Biguzs, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, becomes Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, effective September 17, 2013.

    Wilma Vreeswijk, currently Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Business Transformation and Renewal), Privy Council Office, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, effective September 17, 2013.

    Coleen Volk, currently Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Senior Personnel), Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Senior Personnel, Business Transformation and Renewal), Privy Council Office, effective September 17, 2013.

    Helena Borges, currently Assistant Deputy Minister, Programs Group, Transport Canada, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of Transport, effective August 12, 2013.

    The Prime Minister took the opportunity to thank Glenda Yeates, Deputy Minister of Health, who will retire from the Public Service in August 2013, for her contributions and excellence in serving Canada over the course of a long career in both the federal and provincial public service.

    The Prime Minister also wishes to thank Neil Yeates, Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, who will retire from the Public Service in September 2013, for his achievements and service to Canadians over a 32-year public service career at both the federal and provincial levels.

  • July 15, 2013 4:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Mark your calendars! EDA is organizing a Webinar- "Economic Recovery: What Happens After the Storm?"

    Wednesday, July 24, 2013

    Noon-1:30 PM (MST)

    For this webinar, Economic Developers Alberta and the Economic Development Association of BC are pleased to have three extremely experienced, well-respected leaders from IEDC and its "Restore Your Economy" project as panelists.

    Webinar participants will learn about the various stages of economic recovery and hear tangible examples and advice on how to begin to undertake successful economic recovery efforts in their communities after a disaster.

    Registration details will be sent out later this week, but plan now to attend!
  • July 15, 2013 2:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Are you on track to write EDAC's Ec.D. Exam?

    Do you know how many points you have accumulated?

    Would you like to obtain EDAC's Ec.D. Designation with your colleagues in St. John's, NL - Sept. 21st?

    Well if yes is the answer, contact the EDAC office ASAP. We will again this year host a group sitting of the exam during our 45th Professional Development Conference being held in St. John's, NL - Sept. 21 - 24, 2013.

    Join your colleagues across Canada who have already earned our Ec.D. Designation. We are anticipating a large demand for this sitting as well as those who have already written and are scheduled to write before and after the conference.

    Seats are limited, contact the EDAC office today to inquire if you are eligible to write at EDAC '13.
  • July 15, 2013 12:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced changes to the federal Ministry that will continue to focus on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity in all regions of the country.
    "Since our election in 2011 our Government has kept taxes low and put our finances on a sustainable path,” said the Prime Minister. "This fall, we will continue on with the work we have been doing on behalf of all Canadians.”

    "These changes to the Ministry feature both younger Members of Parliament ready for new opportunities, and steady hands that will continue to deliver strong leadership in key portfolios. In particular, I am proud to welcome four new strong and capable women to the Cabinet table," added the Prime Minister.

    "In addition to the economy, our Government will continue to keep our streets and communities safe, celebrate our history, and promote Canada’s interests on the world stage. This new Ministry will work hard on behalf of all Canadians," concluded Prime Minister Harper.

    Canadian Ministry:

  • July 11, 2013 2:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) knows that economic development professionals have a unique skill set that can help to create vibrant and well balanced communities.

    That is why EDA has collaborated with one of Canada's leading volunteer-driven development organizations- the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO).

    Since 1967, CESO has completed over 46,000 assignments across Canada and in over 120 countries around the world. By supporting sustainable local development, CESO focuses on helping individuals and organizations to build strong, viable businesses and independent communities that will in turn create opportunities and a better quality of life for generations to come. More information here.

    “By collaborating with CESO, EDA is able to profile volunteer opportunities for our members that can enhance their personal and professional development, while giving back to the global community,” says Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA’s Executive Director.

    “In exchange for their time, members become involved with short-term, high impact economic development assignments that produce immediate, sustainable results to communities within Canada and in many other countries around the world. It is an exciting program, in need of professionals with community economic development expertise, which EDA members can offer.”

    If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Advisor for CESO, you can contact their Recruitment Manager Jennifer Filson directly at jfilson@ceso-saco.com or 1-800-268-9052 ext. 4100.

    In addition, as community economic development opportunities are identified by CESO staff, EDA will make these available to our members.

  • May 22, 2013 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The count down is on! EDA's Online Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) begins in less than a week so register now.

    EDA and the University of Calgary are teaming up to give you the very first online CEDTP course, "Economic Development-Establishing the Foundation."

    The date of this course is May 28 - June 25 with a total of 15 hours.

    Because this is an online course you can receive the instruction when it is convenient for you from the comfort of your own home or office. You have until June 25 to complete the module.

    This first course in our series provides the theory and fundamentals of economic development as well as concrete examples of how it can be applied to meet your specific needs.

  • May 21, 2013 8:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    There are just a few spots left in the Investment Development 101 Course being held in Calgary and Edmonton next week.
    The 2-day courses are being delivered by Bernard Lemay PhD., Senior Advisor Investment Training at DFAIT.

    Calgary, May 27-28
    Edmonton, May 29-30

    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA), Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, Calgary Economic Development and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) are partnering to bring you this overview of investment promotion, prospecting and services functions.

    The Investment Development 101 Course is also a chance to network; it's a dynamic forum to discuss roles and responsibilities; and consolidates federal, provincial/territorial, regional and local partnerships.

    Completion of the course is worth 6 points toward the EDAC EcD.

  • April 30, 2013 4:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    EDA's Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) is now online. That means you will receive EDA's world-class training without leaving your desk.

    EDA along with the University of Calgary are teaming up to give you the very first online CEDTP course; "Economic Development-Establishing the Foundation."

    Our first online offering is also the first course in a series that will provide you with the knowledge and skills to become proficient in economic development.

    "Economic Development-Establishing the Foundation" provides the theory and fundamentals of economic development as well as concrete examples of how it can be applied to meet your specific needs.

    This course runs May 28 to June 25 with a total of 15 hours.

    Click here to register now.