EDA News Centre

  • February 24, 2015 9:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder EDA's next online course through the University of Calgary: Business and Investment Attraction, begins one week from today. We are also offering to EDA members a 50% rebate on tuition for this course.

    Business and Investment Attraction
    March 3- April 4 2015 for a total of 15 hours
    ONLINE through the University of Calgary
    More information and register here

    This course is designed to increase your understanding of the importance of business investment and attraction as a strategy in economic development; and to introduce and profile how business investment attraction can benefit your community.

    EDA Members can receive their rebate by sending their course receipt to admin@edaalberta.ca
    This rebate is made possible by a grant from ICCI.

    Don't forget the entire 2015 schedule of online courses is on EDA's Webiste. All of those courses are open for registration.

    Take a look at EDA's 2015 schedule of online courses here.

    These courses are eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

  • February 23, 2015 9:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 23, 2015, Calgary AB - Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is pleased to announce that Continuing Education students at Mount Royal University will be utilizing a document developed by EDA as part of the Economic Disaster Recovery Project (EDRP). Called the Recovery and Resiliency Roadmap: A Toolkit for Economic Preparedness; it is a practical guide that provides strategies and tactics for community leaders to focus on for economic recovery and preserving jobs. This is the only resource of its kind in Canada.

    "I was so pleased to find EDA’s practicable and applicable approach to its economic disaster recovery project and Toolkit. Without a doubt, it is some of the best work I have seen on the subject," said Steve Armstrong, MRU instructor and program developer. "Economic recovery is a keystone of a holistic approach to a disaster impacted community’s long-term recovery and it is the last thing that is thought of when developing recovery plans. It would serve anyone working in the field of disaster and recovery management well to read and use this important work.”

    EDA's toolkit is a resource in a new program at MRU; the Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery Extension Certificate. It is designed to teach community leaders about the restoration of critical infrastructure, re-establishment of educational, civic and commercial services, and re-establishment of homes and communities.

    "Our Toolkit is an exceptional resource for individuals and organizations wishing to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from economic disasters, whether they be natural or manmade,” said Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO. “We are pleased Mount Royal University recognizes the value of this tool, and encourage other communities across Alberta and Canada to apply the fundamental principles and best practices highlighted within the Toolkit.”

    The Toolkit is an outcome of the Economic Disaster Recovery Project (EDRP). The EDRP was designed as a unique blended learning opportunity to provide economic development practitioners, and those in supporting roles, with both theoretical and practical training. MRU students will begin utilizing the Toolkit as content and as a reference beginning in March.

    For More Information Contact:

    Leann Hackman-Carty


    Steve Armstrong

    MRU Instructor and Program Developer

  • February 11, 2015 4:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new online survey asks Albertans to identify spending reductions and revenue opportunities to address the financial challenges caused by low oil prices. Ideas are also invited on how to stabilize Alberta’s revenue over the longer term.

    Low oil prices mean lower royalty revenue and less economic activity, and will result in a shortfall of approximately $7 billion in Budget 2015 if changes are not made. This represents a revenue loss of more than 15 per cent, and risks the economic strength of the province.

    “This situation requires tough decisions from government and we want to hear from as many Albertans as possible. Albertans expect that government will find savings and tighten its own belt before examining any other option. Hearing and listening to Albertans’ comments is important as we transition to a long-term sustainable fiscal framework.”

    Robin Campbell, President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance
    Ministers and MLAs have been talking about budget issues with Albertans at town hall meetings, Chamber of Commerce events, and on call-in shows. More than 1,500 Albertans have written and called to voice their ideas on how to reduce spending, increase revenue, deficits and debt.

    As part of belt-tightening, cabinet ministers have taken a voluntary five per cent salary reduction and the Legislature’s Member Services Committee voted unanimously for all MLAs to follow suit. Further, the Alberta government is containing costs by restricting hiring, reducing travel, and limiting discretionary spending. All government departments have been ordered to examine their operations for cost savings, such as only printing reports that are required by legislation, restricting advertising and cutting sponsorships for conferences and events.

    All government agencies, boards and commissions, including Alberta Health Services, post-secondary institutions and other publicly funded service providers have been asked to also contain spending and find cost savings.
    The survey will remain posted at budget.alberta.ca until the end of February. Background information on Alberta’s fiscal situation and government revenues is also available online.

  • February 11, 2015 2:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Do you want better knowledge about selecting key target markets for investment attraction? Maybe you are wondering how to attract foreign direct investment to help your community expand its economic base.
    EDA's next online course though the University of Calgary has the answers you are looking for. And it begins in 27 days....

    Business and Investment Attraction
    March 3- April 4, 2015 for a total of 15 hours
    Read about the course and register here

    EDA is also offering this same course in the fall of 2015, registration is open.

    Business and Investment Attraction
    October 13 - November 10, 2015 for a total of 15 hours.
    Register here

    If you are an EDA Member you are eligible for a 50% rebate on this course in 2015. Simply e-mail your receipt to admin@edaalberta.ca

    These online courses are offered by Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) and are eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    Not a member of EDA? Consider joining to access world class information, networking and professional development opportunities.

  • February 10, 2015 2:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA's 2015 Annual Conference is two months away. Our Conference is an excellent opportunity for economic development professionals and elected officials to network, to share best practice information and to showcase your company or organization. Plan to attend April 8-10 at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge.

    Each year we draw keynote speakers and panelists from across North America. One again this year we are pleased to welcome Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist with ATB Financial who will highlight what’s happening in the local, national and international economies. Todd's presentation is always a draw for conference attendees. Click here to see the conference agenda and the list of speakers so far.

    If you would like to put your business or organization in the spotlight then become involved as a sponsor of this event; there is still time to do so. Read who is involved so far and how you can participate.

    Conference Registration and Room Reservation:
    Please register now and book your hotel room at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge as quickly as possible. Our reserved block of rooms is selling out quickly. When you book your room please remember to quote that you are with Economic Developers Alberta (EDA). This is an important detail because if EDA is not quoted, the system will tell you that the hotel is sold out.

    If you are having trouble with your booking please call Cassandra at the Delta directly at: 403-591-6253 or cassandra.brown@deltahotels.com.

    See You at the Conference

  • February 10, 2015 2:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You now know that EDA has made the submission process for our Awards of Excellence easier by putting it online on the EDA website.
    But did you know that you and your community will have an added bonus just by submitting an entry for an award?

    Your Community and the project you submit will be profiled on EDA's Website AND you will receive publicity at the EDA Conference April 8-10.

    That means whether or not you win, you will have access to the unlimited audience that our Website provides plus be put in the spotlight among your economic development colleagues at the Confernece.

    So, what are you waiting for? The deadline for submissions is February 27.

    Click on the categories below to read about the awards and submit your entry. It's that easy.

    Economic Developer of the Year
    Outstanding Young Professional
    Alex Metcalfe Awards
    Awards of Excellence

    2015 TIMELINE:
    Judging complete- March 20, 2015
    Awards presentation- April 9, 2015 at the Minister's Dinner during EDA's Annual Conference.

    Follow us on twitter: @edaalberta #EDA2015
    See you at the Conference! And good luck with your award submission!

  • February 10, 2015 2:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Interested in opportunities for professional development? Join EDA for two FREE webinars in the month of February. They're over your lunch hour, they're relevant to your economic development practice and they're completely FREE.

    Click on the links below to read about and register for the webinars.

    Webinar #1- February 13
    Working With Secondary Data
    12:00-1:00 pm
    This training webinar is part of EDA's AlbertaBusinessCounts Program.

    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. We have partnered with Executive Pulse for a series of webinars in 2015.

    Webinar #2- February 25
    Diversifying Your Economy Post-Disaster – Identifying Emerging Industries
    12:30-2:00 pm (MST)
    This webinar will help economic developers think strategically about how to identify emerging industries and help them grow, to create a diversified and more resilient economy. Here is the 2015 calendar of IEDC's Restore Your Economy Disaster Webinar Series

  • February 06, 2015 9:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you using EDA's AlbertaBusinessCounts Program? It is an excellent tool to help you with your business retention and expansion strategy.

    Next Friday, we are offering the first of a series of free training webinars that provide information and instruction on our ABC Program.

    Webinar #1- February 13

    12:00-1:00 pm
    Working With Secondary Data

    Read about and register for the 2015 ABC webinar series

    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price.

    In 2014, we offered a series of free training webinars that provided information and instruction on our ABC Program. Due to the popularity of that series, we have extended it to 2015!

    EDA has partnered with Executive Pulse for this webinar program.

  • February 05, 2015 8:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mark your calendars. Next month, EDA is presenting its next online course through the University of Calgary: Business and Investment Attraction. We are also offering to EDA members a 50% rebate on tuition for this course.

    Business and Investment Attraction
    March 3- April 4 2015 for a total of 15 hours
    ONLINE through the University of Calgary
    More information and register here

    This course is designed to increase your understanding of the importance of business investment and attraction as a strategy in economic development; and to introduce and profile how business investment attraction can benefit your community.

    EDA Members can receive their rebate by sending their course receipt to admin@edaalberta.ca
    This rebate is made possible by a grant from ICCI.

    Don't forget the entire 2015 schedule of online courses is on EDA's Webiste. All of those courses are open for registration.

    Take a look at EDA's 2015 schedule of online courses here.

    These courses are eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

  • February 03, 2015 8:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Now that you have turned your calendar to the month of February; remember to mark the date, February 27th. That is the final deadline for submissions for EDA's Awards of Excellence.

    The award submission process is simple because it is now online on the EDA website.
    You can also click on the categories below to read about the awards and submit your entry. It's that easy.


    2015 TIMELINE:
    Judging complete- March 20, 2015
    Awards presentation- April 9, 2015 at the Minister's Dinner during EDA's Annual Conference.

    Follow us on twitter: @edaalberta #EDA2015
    See you at the Conference! And good luck with your award submission!