EDA News Centre

  • July 07, 2015 11:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In just two months EDA's next online course, Business Retention and Expansion, begins. So register now. 

    This course equips you with the tools to support and foster the development and growth of the business community. The result of a strong BR&E strategy is a healthy and thriving business community which in turn provides a long term sustainable community foundation. 

    Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E)

    Sept 8 - Oct 6 (for a total of 15 hours)


    Register here

    As you know, EDA's Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    To register for an in-person BR&E course gather your team and simply email: admin@edaalberta.ca

    This course is eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. It can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.


  • June 17, 2015 10:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Summer is just about here and many of you might be making plans for professional development in the weeks ahead. As you know, EDA's Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    Don't forget EDA members, you are eligible for a 50% rebate on your tuition if you take our Business & Investment Attraction (BIA) course either online or in person.

    Registration is open for the next online BIA course 

    October 12 - November 10 for total of 15 hours. 

    To register for an in-person BIA course gather your team and simply email: admin@edaalberta.ca

    This course is eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. It can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

  • June 15, 2015 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The availability of quality talent is the #1 obstacle many employers face in their staffing efforts, according to LinkedIn’s 2015 U.S. Staffing Trends report.

    Talent Sourcing is the most useful method to overcome this obstacle. It’s no longer effective to wait for replies on job boards. Companies must compete for talent by actively seeking out skilled workers to fill positions and create a pipeline of qualified candidates, and social media provides the platform to source these individuals.

    Join EDA for its next webinar in its Marketing Masters series Social Media for Targeted Talent Recruitment.

    Social Media for Targeted Talent Recruitment
    Thursday, June 25
    12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (MST)
    Register here

    Grab your team and sign up today to learn about talent sourcing and how to use social media to engage with candidates.

  • June 04, 2015 8:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder that the Conference Board of Canada is holding a webinar to give their economic outlook for Alberta.

    EDA members, you will save 50% off the full registration fee for yourself and your colleagues.

    Alberta Business Outlook Webinar: Uncharted Territory

    Tuesday, June 9
    1:00 - 2:00pm (MST) (3:00 - 4:00pm EST)

    Information and RegistrationEDA members to redeem your savings simply contact Joel Elliott at elliott@conferenceboard.ca and quote rebate code EXEDA1 to pay only $149 to attend!

    Conference Board’s Deputy Chief Economist Pedro Antunes and Senior Economist, Provincial Forecast Prince Owusu will also discuss: 

    • Highlights from the Conference Board’s most recent provincial economic outlook
    • Expert interpretation of the provincial outlook for 2015 and 2016, including all the key economic indicators
    • How low oil prices will affect the economic and fiscal position in Alberta

    The Conference Board was the first major forecaster in Canada to call a recession in Alberta. Join them to get the insights you need from some of the top economic minds in the country.

  • June 04, 2015 8:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder next week is a FREE training webinar in our AlbertaBusinessCounts program. Learn how to get specific information about companies, contacts and groups using digital portfolios. The instruction will also cover cover histories, analytics, grid viewing and editing functions. 

    Getting In-Depth with Digital Portfolios
    Friday, June 12
    12:00- 1:00 pm
    Register here


    If a more efficient business retention and expansion strategy part of your economic development plan then we recommend you sign up for AlbertaBusinessCounts.  It is designed to give your community a consistent method for gathering data needed to identify and analyze business needs at the local, regional and provincial level.

    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. We have partnered with Executive Pulse for a series of webinars in 2015. 

  • June 04, 2015 8:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder that June 4, there is a free webinar designed to deliver information on the Alberta-Canada Job Grant program. This program aims to address the challenges in finding skilled workers. 

    Thursday, June 4
    12:00 - 1:00 pm

    Register here

    Tell your community's business owners as this employer-driven program lets employers make the decisions on the training that is required. Don't miss out.

  • May 28, 2015 10:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In 2017, Canadians across the country will celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation (Canada 150), a key milestone in the life of our country. The overarching theme to celebrating  Canada 150 is “Strong. Proud. Free”, which includes a vision to Give Back to Canada, through lasting legacies that extend beyond 2017.

    As part of the government-wide Canada 150 celebrations, the Government of Canada has launched the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, which will invest $150 million over two years to rehabilitate and improve existing community infrastructure across Canada.

    Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD), on behalf of the Government of Canada, will deliver the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program in Western Canada and will invest $43.2 million in projects aiming to rehabilitate existing cultural and community infrastructure. These projects will reflect our shared history and optimism for the future while leaving a lasting legacy in celebration of Canada 150.

    Detailed information on the delivery of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program in Western Canada,  including important details on eligibility, application requirements and program priorities, are available on the WD website http://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/18872.asp.

    Applications in Western Canada will be accepted from Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

     until Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @

    1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

    2:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time

    3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

    If you are aware of other organizations that may be interested in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, we invite you to share this information within your network.

  • May 26, 2015 9:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Every day in the news we hear about the impact of the collapse in oil prices on Alberta’s economy. Capital investment in the energy sector is declining and many companies are announcing layoffs.

    So what will the coming year look like for Alberta businesses? Join the Conference Board of Canada for an upcoming webinar to hear their economic outlook is for Alberta, and how it will affect your business plans and strategies:

    Join the Conference Board of Canada for an upcoming webinar to hear what the economic outlook is for Alberta, and how it will affect your business plans and strategies:

    Alberta Business Outlook Webinar: Uncharted Territory

    Tuesday, June 9
    1:00 - 2:00pm (MST)

    Information and Registration: EDA members can Save 50% off of the full registration fee for yourself and your colleagues! Simply contact Joel Elliott at elliott@conferenceboard.ca and quote rebate code EXEDA1 to pay only $149 to attend!

    Conference Board’s Deputy Chief Economist Pedro Antunes and Senior Economist, Provincial Forecast Prince Owusu will also discuss: 

    • Highlights from the Conference Board’s most recent provincial economic outlook
    • Expert interpretation of the provincial outlook for 2015 and 2016, including all the key economic indicators
    • How low oil prices will affect the economic and fiscal position in Alberta

    The Conference Board was the first major forecaster in Canada to call a recession in Alberta. Join us to get the insights you need from some of the top economic minds in the country.

  • May 21, 2015 1:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 15, 2015
    Truro, Nova Scotia


    Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the new Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, which will provide significant support for existing community and cultural infrastructure across the country as a way to celebrate Canada’s 150thanniversary of Confederation. He was joined by Peter MacKay, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Member of Parliament for Central Nova, Rob Moore, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), and Scott Armstrong, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament for Cumberland-Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley.

    The program will provide support for the renovation, expansion and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure that provides community and cultural benefits for the public. Projects under the following categories may be eligible for funding: community centres (including Royal Canadian Legions), cultural centres and museums, parks, recreational trails, libraries, recreational facilities, tourism facilities, docks, cenotaphs and other existing community infrastructure.

    The program, which is anticipated to support up to 1,800 projects in communities of all sizes across the country, will be delivered nationally through the Government of Canada’s regional economic development agencies. Eligible recipients for funding include provinces, territories, municipalities, regional governments, Aboriginal organizations and not-for-profit organizations. Applicants can submit their application online through their respective regional economic development agency. Extensive consultations with Canadians helped inform the initiative. 

    Selected projects are expected to be completed by the end of the 2017 construction season to best support Canada 150 celebrations. The program is expected to boost economic activity through infrastructure investments, build community-based partnerships and modernize existing community facilities.  

    The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program will complement the $53 billion invested in infrastructure by our Government through the New Building Canada Plan, which is focused on generating economic growth, job creation and long-term prosperity. The New Building Canada Plan, which is the largest and longest federal infrastructure plan in Canada’s history, will generate benefits for the province and its citizens for years to come. The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program will also complement the recently announced Canada 150 Fund, managed by the Department of Canadian Heritage, which will create opportunities for Canadians to participate in local, regional, and national celebrations that contribute to building a sense of pride and attachment to Canada.

    Quick Facts

    • The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program was announced in Economic Action Plan 2015.
    • The 150th anniversary of Confederation provides the Government with an opportunity to celebrate Canada’s history, heritage, values and future by reinvesting in community infrastructure across the country, similar to the important infrastructure investments made as part of our nation’s centennial celebrations in 1967 which can still be seen in communities today.
    • Projects that will be supported by the program will be chosen based on assessment criteria including construction-readiness, the extent to which funding is leveraged from other sources and linkages to Canada 150.
    • The program will be delivered nationally through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Western Economic Diversification and Industry Canada (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario).
    • The Government of Canada has undertaken many projects to improve infrastructure in Nova Scotia. Since 2006, significant investments under the Building Canada Fund, the Provincial-Territorial Base Fund, and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund have helped the Government of Nova Scotia and its municipalities make infrastructure improvements for the benefit of all Nova Scotians. Municipalities in Nova Scotia have also benefited from funding provided to the province through the federal Gas Tax Fund. Combined with investments under other federal infrastructure programs, Nova Scotia has benefited from over $1.1 billion toward infrastructure improvements across the province.


    “The 150th anniversary of Confederation is a time to celebrate the places across this great country that unite and connect us – the parks, the trails, the cultural and community centres. The infrastructure program being announced today will help preserve and improve these treasured cultural and community locations, allowing Canadians and their families to enjoy moments of sport, recreation, leisure and contemplation for years to come. It is a fitting legacy for Canada’s sesquicentennial.” – Prime Minister Stephen Harper   

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  • May 13, 2015 8:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA is holding two courses for Elected Officials in the coming weeks. One in Edmonton; the other in Airdrie. 

    Gather your team and register for this day-long course to learn how you can support economic development initiatives that inspire business and vitality in your community.                 

    In Edmonton:
    Friday, May 29
    Enterprise Edmonton
    3rd Floor, World Trade Centre
    9990 Jasper Avenue
    Edmonton, Alberta

    Register here

    In Airdrie:
    Monday, June 8
    Council Chambers
    400 Main St S, Airdrie

    Register here

    This course is designed to give you as community leaders, the specific information and tools you need to understand and reinforce economic development initiatives.  

    If you would like to book a course in your community simply e-mail admin@edaa