EDA News Centre

  • November 09, 2015 11:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that tomorrow is the first of two Conference Board of Canada Webinars being held this week. EDA members are eligible to save 50% on the registration fee. 

    Bottom of the Oil Price Barrel : The Alberta Business Outlook
    Tuesday, November 10
    1:00-2:00pm (MST)
    Full Price $399
    EDA Price $199

    Read about the Webinar here. The special rate will not be available through the website, if you would like to take advantage, please contact Joel Elliott directly at: elliott@conferenceboard.ca and quote rebate code EXEDA1. 

    The second webinar is belong held this Friday: 

    Post-Election Canadian Outlook with the Chief Economist - Autumn 2015

    Friday, November 13
    12:00-1:00pm (MST)
    Full Price $399

    EDA Price $199

    Read about the Webinar here. The special rate will not be available through the website, if you would like to take advantage, please contact Joel Elliott directly at: elliott@conferenceboard.ca and quote rebate code EXEDA1. 

  • November 02, 2015 11:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new job creation initiative will support workers, employers and families during the current economic downturn.

    The Job Creation Incentive Program will support employers in creating as many as 27,000 new jobs a year over the next two years.

    “Albertans have asked our government to support good local jobs as we grow and diversify our economy. We are following through on our promise to work with businesses so that they can create new jobs and support families during these tough economic times.”

    Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour

    The program will encourage hiring by providing grants to employers for creating new positions. Grants will be worth up to $5,000 for each new job and employers will be eligible for up to $500,000 in total support – the equivalent of 100 new full-time jobs. Grants will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis.

    "Supreme Group has been an active part of Alberta’s steel manufacturing sector for more than 40 years. We believe that local manufacturing is a vital part of a strong and diversified economy.  We look forward to working with all levels of government on initiatives that support the creation of sustainable Alberta-based jobs.”

    Kevin Guile, Vice President of Supreme Group

    “In challenging times like these, we need to show leadership and partner with business to grow the economy. This program is designed to support employers of all sizes in order to help diversify our economy and create new jobs that support families right across the province.”

    Deron Bilous, Minister of Economic Development and Trade

    The Job Creation Incentive Program is part of government’s larger plan focused on job creation, economic growth and diversification to build a 21st-century economy for Alberta. It will launch in spring 2016.

    Media inquiries

    Leah Holoiday

    Press Secretary, Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour

  • October 30, 2015 4:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    For Immediate Release

    Economic Developers Alberta’s (EDA) 2015 Ministry Dinner An Overwhelming Success

    The Honourable Deron Bilous, Alberta’s new Economic Development and Trade Minister addresses over 100 economic development professionals gathered to share ideas

    October 29, 2015 Edmonton, Alberta- Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) the province’s leading professional organization for economic developers, held its first Ministry Dinner with over 100 community economic development professionals and key government officials in attendance. The purpose of this event is to bring together these decision makers to network, to share information and to explore potential partnerships. 

    “Partnering with job creators, entrepreneurs and visionaries to stimulate economic growth and diversification across Alberta is a top priority for our government,” said the Honourable Deron Bilous, Minister of Economic Development and Trade. “This event is a great opportunity for Albertans to come together and talk about ways we can create opportunity and lasting prosperity for our province.” 

    EDA also hosted three other Alberta Cabinet Ministers at the 2015 Ministry Dinner:

    • The Honourable Oneil Carlier Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
    • The Honourable David Eggen Minister of Culture and Tourism
    • The Honourable  Brian Mason Minister of Infrastructure

    This event was unique as it followed an interactive format. Throughout the dinner, several participants changed tables at the beginning of each course of their meal. That maximized the opportunities for government representatives and community economic development professionals to share information about various programs and opportunities.

    “Our dinner has been an overwhelming success as it provided key decision makers with the forum to connect; aligning with one of EDA’s strategic priorities to equip our province’s economic development professionals with the most current resources and opportunities,” said Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO. “By supporting the leadership role economic developers have in their communities, we also fortify their efforts to create sustainable economies.”

    The Federal and Provincial government departments also represented at the 2015 Ministry Dinner:

    • Aboriginal Relations
    • Agriculture and Forestry
    • Advanced Education
    • Culture and Tourism
    • Economic Development and Trade
    • Energy
    • Infrastructure
    • Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour
    • Municipal Affairs
    • Business Development Bank of Canada
    • Industry Canada
    • Office of Small and Medium Enterprises
    • Service Canada
    • Trade Commissioner Service
    • Western Economic Diversification Canada

    Representatives from 60 Alberta communities and organizations were also in attendance. 

    Miller Thomson LLP is the sponsor of the 2015 Ministry Dinner.

    Read About Economic Developers Alberta

    To arrange an interview please contact:

    Nancy Toombs
    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA)
    tel: 403-874-7438
    Shannon Greer
    Press Secretary to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade
    tel: 587-594-0132


  • October 14, 2015 10:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that the deadline to purchase an Ad in EDA's 2016 Edition of Invest in Alberta is coming up quickly. 

    Friday, October 16 is the official deadline; act now so you don't miss out. 

    Municipalities, town and cities that are EDA members and that have purchased advertising space of 1/2 or full page in full colour will be offered matching advertorial to highlight their messages.  

    With a circulation of 15,000, our Invest in Alberta publication will reach a powerful and influential audience interested in expansion, relocation and new markets. Your message will be seen by key decision makers seeking products, serves suppliers and partners.

    To learn more about the 2016 Edition of Invest in Alberta and to purchase your Ad space please contact Anita McGillis directly at: (4O3) 228-4337x 229  Email:amcgillis@venturepublishing.ca

    The publication date for Invest in Alberta is December 2015.

  • October 14, 2015 10:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Imagine a small town street with many empty storefronts, in a rural community that just lost a major manufacturer. Best to just keep it quiet and try to fill those storefronts one-by-one, right? 


    Join EDA for our next Marketing Master's webinar to learn how rural communities are turning negatives into positives and redefining themselves and their communities in the process. 

    Turning Rural Negatives into Positives - Rural Economic Development
    Tuesday, October 20
    12:00 - 1:30 pm

    Read about the webinar and Register here

    Panelists Becky McCray and Deb Brown kicked off an idea for small towns and started filling those buildings. Now Deb and Becky are creating a how-to Tour Kit to help others.

    Bring your questions. Bring your team. Don’t miss the opportunity to address your community’s economic future.

  • October 14, 2015 10:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Grab your lunch and your colleagues and join EDA and Executive Pulse in another FREE training webinar with our AlbertaBusinessCounts Program. 

    Getting the Most From Reports
    Friday, October 16
    12:00 - 1:00 pm
    Register here


    This session will explore both predefined and user defined reports and analytics.

    We recommend you sign up for AlbertaBusinessCounts as it is an excellent tool for your business retention and expansion strategy.  It is designed to give your community a consistent method for gathering data needed to identify and analyze business needs at the local, regional and provincial level. Click here to see the communities who are using AlbertaBusinessCounts.

    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. We have partnered with Executive Pulse for a series of webinars in 2015. 

  • October 07, 2015 8:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder EDA's Business and Investment Attraction course begins in one week. EDA Members have a special perk, you are eligible to receive a 50% rebate on your tuition. Simply register for the course, send your receipt to admin@edaalberta.ca to receive your rebate. 

    You don't want to miss this opportunity to learn the skills necessary to develop business investment strategies that will help your community expand its economic base.

    Business and Investment Attraction (B&IA)
    October  13 - November 10 (for a total of 15 hours)

    Read more about the course and Register here

    This course is eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. It can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

     As you know, EDA's Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.


  • September 25, 2015 9:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What characteristics do you consider most important for Alberta's royalty framework?  If you're in Calgary,  join the Community Engagement Session:

    Alberta Royalty Review Panel's Public Session 
    October 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

     Calgary TELUS Convention Centre in the TELUS rooms 104-106.

    This drop-in style session with a presentation at 6:30 p.m. will offer several stations where the public can learn about the review ask questions of subject matter experts and add their voice to the conversation. 

    Whether you're in the energy industry or not, the panel wants to hear from as many individual Albertans as possible. 

    Visit  letstalkroyalties.ca over the next two months. The panel will use the website to ask a series of questions and provide updates on what is being heard across the province. Consider going to the webpage early to be a part of every stage of the conversation.

    Connect with the Panel on social media: follow the Panel on Twitter and Facebook.

    A strong turnout of Albertans, in person and online, will be good for this review process and the Panel looks forward to hearing from you.

  • September 23, 2015 7:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reminder that Thursday is EDA's next webinar in its Marketing Master's series: How to Influence Site Location Decisions in a Talent Shortage.

    Thursday September 24
    12:00-1:30 pm MST

    Read about the webinar and Register Here

    We often hear about the skill gap and labour issues. Find out what you and your organization can do to turn this challenge into an opportunity.  

    Grab your team and join us. 

  • September 18, 2015 1:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA is proud to be part of the AUMA/AMSC Conference September 23-25 at the Telus Convention Centre. Drop by and see us at booth #402.

    Board members Court Ellingson, Sara Chamberlain and Bev Thornton will be there at various times throughout the conference to tell you about the work we are doing. There will also be a few items for you to take home!

     See you next week.