EDA News Centre

  • July 04, 2016 1:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Plan today to register for your next professional development opportunity with EDA's Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP). 

    EDA is offering it's next online course through the University of Calgary designed to support and foster the development and growth of the business community. 

    Our Business Retention and Expansion course will explain how the results of a strong BR&E strategy create a healthy and thriving business community which in turn provides a long term sustainable community foundation. Long-term BR&E programs are a means of connecting businesses with resources and opportunities that will improve their competitive position, market networks and ultimately their profitability.

    EDA's Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E)

    September 6 - October 4, 2016
    Register here.  

    All of our 2016 courses are available for registration. Plan ahead.  

    2016 CEDTP Course Calendar

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.


  • June 30, 2016 11:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA is giving you an opportunity to be a $2500.00 sponsor of the 2016 Ministry Dinner. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your brand to key decision makers in the province. If you or any of your key contacts are interested in being involved please let me know at nancy.toombs@edaalberta.ca and I will give you the details of the sponsorship agreement. Once again we are pleased that Miller Thomson is the primary sponsor of this event.

    We are taking registrations for the 2016 event which sold out last year. The 2016 Ministry Dinner gives the province's economic development professionals as well as key government decision makers the opportunity to share ideas, information and discuss potential partnerships. 

    2016 EDA Ministry Dinner
    Thursday October 27, 2015
    Matrix Hotel, Prism Room and Amber Room
    10640-100 Avenue, Edmonton

    Cocktails: 5:00- 6:00 pm

    Dinner: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

    Register here

    By supporting the leadership role of economic developers, we also fortify their efforts to ensure the economic viability of their communities. 

  • June 28, 2016 9:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The summer months are an excellent time to pursue professional development opportunities. 

    EDA would like to remind you to book our Course for Elected Officials in your community. Simply email admin@edaalberta.ca and we can give you the details on how to arrange for this course.

    In EDA's Course for Elected Officials, you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works; and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers take to help to revitalize economies. 

    We are also offering two Courses for Elected Officials this fall. Register early to avoid the waiting list:  

    City of Airdrie, Council Chambers
    Friday, September 16
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here

    St. Paul
    Friday, October 21
    9:00am - 4:00pm
    Register here 

    Be a champion economic development in your community! 

  • June 23, 2016 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA's Annual Conference attracts over 400 local national and international experts in the field of economic development. Each year, we look for speakers to address a variety of topics related to current economic development issues. 

    If you have relevant and unique topic that you would like to present then we would like to hear from you. 

    Please read the Call for Conference Papers guidelines here. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2016.

    EDA's Annual Conference is being held at the Banff Centre March 22-24, 2017. The theme is "Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity." Registration is open.

    See you at the Conference. 


  • June 20, 2016 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) Economic Development Department is helping its business community get back on its feet after forest fires swept through the region last month. 

    A Business Recovery Hotline has been established to gather information about immediate needs and provide access to various resources. In addition, the Hotline is processing emergency financial relief for small businesses. The Canadian Red Cross will be providing $1000 to each small business that meets basic eligibility criteria. This funding is made possible through generous donations to the Canadian Red Cross as a result of the Alberta Fires, affecting Fort McMurray and surrounding areas.

    So far, the Wood Buffalo Business Recovery Hotline has validated 691 businesses totalling $691,000.  If your small business was impacted by the fires please call 1-855-RMWBBIZ (769-2249) to register and receive your payment. 

    EDA is pleased to support its members at the RMWB. Economic developers play a critical leadership role in a community’s recovery process. EDA's Economic Disaster Recovery Program (EDRP) is being used as a valuable template for the RMWB's overall business and economic disaster recovery strategy. 

  • June 10, 2016 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    News Release

    For immediate release

    Emergency Relief Available for Small Businesses Affected by Fires in the Wood Buffalo Region

    (Fort McMurray, AB – June 10, 2016) – Small Businesses in the Wood Buffalo region impacted by the fires will now have the opportunity to apply for some initial emergency financial relief.

    The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) and Economic Developers Alberta (EDA), thanks to financial support from the Canadian Red Cross, will be providing $1000 to each small business that meets the eligibility criteria.

    “Our businesses are resilient, but the wildfires have affected our community profoundly,” said Mayor Melissa Blake. “We know that they need financial assistance as they begin working through the recovery process, and I encourage all small business owners in the municipality to apply for this support.”

    Financial relief for small business was identified as a key priority in the Business and Economic Disaster Recovery Plan, approved by Council on May 25, 2016. To receive the emergency relief funds, small businesses must phone the Wood Buffalo Business Recovery Hotline to register their business. Once registered, small businesses that meet the eligibility criteria will receive instructions on how to receive the $1000 of emergency relief.

    Small businesses are able to register on the Wood Buffalo Business Recovery Hotline at 1-855-RMWB BIZ (1-855-769-2249) from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. To receive funding, businesses must meet the following eligibility criteria:

    ·         Register their business at the RMWB Business Recovery Hotline (1-855-RMWB BIZ).

    ·         Have an active RMWB business license.

    ·         Be located/headquartered in a RMWB community.

    ·         Be a small business – defined as having 50 employees or less, excluding contractors.

    For further resources and information, visit www.choosewoodbuffalo.ca.


    Media inquiries: 

    Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

    Economic Developers Alberta (EDA)
    Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO


  • June 10, 2016 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    I admit it. I am biased. I have a soft spot for economic developers. I have worked beside them, with them and for them for many years, and I still believe they are the best ones to lead economic recovery in their communities after a disaster hits. 

    When a natural disaster hits a community, whether it be a flood, tornado, hurricane or wildfire; the immediate response usually involves first responders like firefighters, paramedics, police, military and the Red Cross. They respond to the immediate crisis, and roles and responsibilities are very clear. The Emergency Operations Centre is set up, they are in charge, and nobody does anything unless they are directed to do so. They understand lives are at stake, and as a result, this type of response model is the most effective. 

    However, unfortunately, business is rarely, if ever, a participant in the Emergency Operations Centre. This needs to change. Their issues are critical as well. Getting them back to business means livelihoods are restored, and business and economic recovery efforts are accelerated.

    Which brings me to my point. When a disaster hits, there are a lot of community groups, including various business groups and government departments, that start to position themselves to lead business and economic recovery in the community. While they have an important role, none of them have the sole mandate. The only ones with a clear, direct mandate are local government, and the department or group that they fund to carry out economic development in their community. This group reports directly to Council, and Council reports directly to the electorate. They need to be the ones leading the efforts. It is a clear, simple governance model. All other groups report to their individual boards and/or memberships or directors. Very different. 

    Economic developers are trained in business retention and expansion; business and investment attraction; workforce development; opportunity identification and performance metrics. Increasingly they are also being trained in the area of business and economic recovery. They work with a range of stakeholders on a daily basis, and are able to align themselves with government, the private and non-profit sectors. As a result, they are the ones that need to be empowered to lead business and economic recovery in their community. They have the ultimate accountability. 

    I am excited about the opportunity for economic developers in Fort McMurray's business and recovery efforts. For the first time, I have seen an economic development department put together a plan, endorsed by Council, that puts them in the lead. We need to support them in their efforts, and encourage various stakeholders work to with them collaboratively in achieving their plan. While it won't be easy, it is a first, and important step. If successful, they will no doubt become a new best practice in how communities should respond to natural disasters in the future.


  • June 08, 2016 9:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Summer holidays are just around the corner and before you leave for vacation many of you may be already planning ahead for the fall.

    EDA is offering several professional development opportunities both online and in person. Mark your calendars and register today to avoid the waiting list:

    1. September 6 - October 4

    EDA's Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) course
    Register here.

    This course is part of our Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) and equips you with the skills to grow the business community in your region which in turn helps to provide a long term sustainable community foundation.  

    2. September 16

    Economic Development for Elected Officials Course


    City of Airdrie, Council Chambers

    This course is designed for elected officials and those who work with them.  

    Register Here

    Read about our Elected Officials Course

    3. October 11 - November 8

    Business and Investment Attraction (B&IA)*


    Register here

    This course is part of our CEDTP and is designed to give you the tools to develop business investment strategies that will help your community expand its economic base. *EDA members receive a 50% rebate on the registration for this course. Simply register then send your receipt to admin@edaalberta.ca to receive your rebate. 

    4. October 13-14 

    IEDC's Technology-Led Economic Development Course
    Global Business Centre, Calgary 

    Read about the course and Register Here

    5. October 21

    Economic Development for Elected Officials Course

    St Paul, AB

    Register here

    6. November 22 - December 20
    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation

    Register Here

    This course is the first one in our CEDTP series and is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding and the basic tools to practice economic development in your community. 

    Don't forget, by contacting us at admin@edaalberta.ca you can arrange for EDA to come to you to facilitate one of the courses in our program in person.

    The CEDTP courses are eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.


  • June 07, 2016 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Planning is in full swing for EDA's 2017 Annual Confernece being held March 22-24, 2017. The theme for next year's event is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity.

    Known for its excellence in convening conferences, The Banff Centre is the new venue for the Conference. The increasing popularity of our Conference requires a larger facility with options and support that will enhance our Conference programming, and delegate experience. The Banff Centre will help to facilitate EDA's leadership programming, team building, networking and peer to peer learning opportunities.

    EDA has secured a block of rooms at The Banff Centre for delegates to stay at the Conference site. If you choose to stay on site, we recommend you register for the Conference early and book your accommodation soon.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • June 06, 2016 4:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Planning is underway for EDA's second annual Ministry Dinner. We are taking registrations for the 2016 event which sold out last year.

    Once again we are pleased that Miller Thomson is the primary sponsor of this event. We have one more $2500.00 sponsorship available. If you or any of your key contacts are interested in being involved please let me know at nancy.toombs@edaalberta.ca.

    The 2016 Ministry Dinner gives the province's economic development professionals as well as key government decision makers the opportunity to share ideas, information and discuss potential partnerships. 

    2016 EDA Ministry Dinner
    Thursday October 27, 2015
    Matrix Hotel, Prism Room and Amber Room
    10640-100 Avenue, Edmonton

    Cocktails: 5:00- 6:00 pm

    Dinner: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

    Register here

    By supporting the leadership role of economic developers, we also fortify their efforts to ensure the economic viability of their communities.