EDA News Centre

  • November 04, 2016 10:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Learn how to best serve your community as an economic development professional by taking EDA's Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course. 

    This course provides a solid introduction to the skills and knowledge you need in this profession. It begins in less than three weeks. Register today to avoid the waiting list: 

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation
    November 22 - December 20, 2016
    Online through the University of Calgary

    Register here

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    These courses are also available in person. Contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community. 


  • October 24, 2016 4:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Next month, Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is holding it's next online course through the University of Calgary.

    Learn how to best serve your community as an economic development professional by taking our Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course. This course provides a solid introduction into the skills and knowledge you need in this profession. 

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation
    November 22 - December 20, 2016
    Online through the University of Calgary

    Register here

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    These courses are also available in person. Contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community. 


  • October 21, 2016 10:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The challenges of the future cannot be met with the economic development strategies of the past. How will our organizations change to survive and thrive in the future? Join EDA for its next Marketing Master's Webinar:

    Keeping Your Organization Funded and Viable in the Changing Economy
    Thursday October 27
    12:30 - 2:00 MST

    Register here *prices are in USD

    Gather your team and explore with us how peers are using information as a force multiplier and flanking maneuvers to reshape leadership’s understanding of what succeeds in economic development.

  • October 21, 2016 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Each year our Annual Conference attracts experts in the field of economic development and elected officials from various parts of our Province and across North America. Last year's Conference was the most successful to date with over 400 delegates. With a new venue and new programming in 2017, we are expecting our very successful Conference to be even better.

    There are several ways you can be part of this success:

    Be a Conference Partner 

    If you would like to put your business or organization in the spotlight then become involved as a sponsor of this event. Read about our Partnership Packages here.

    Be a Conference Speaker

    Each year, we look for speakers to address a variety of topics related to current economic development issues. If you have a relevant and distinctive topic that you would like to present then we would like to hear from you. 

    We also have a few suggestions of topics that we feel our audience might be interested in and we invite you to submit a proposal that addresses these topics as well. Please click here to see the range of topics.

    Please read the Call for Conference Papers guidelines here. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2016.

    Join our Ignite® Session

    Back by popular demand, EDA is once again holding an Ignite® Session at our Annual Conference.

    Ignite® is a presentation format where a presenter speaks while slides advance automatically to support them. An Ignite® presentation is exactly 5 minutes and contains exactly 20 slides.

    called Ignite®#EDA2017 EDA is now accepting applications to take part in this session during our 2017 Annual Conference.

    Read about the session and fill in the online application. The deadline is January 29, 2017.

    Held at the Banff Centre, the theme for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity. Registration is open.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • October 14, 2016 9:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's not too late to register for EDA's one-day course for Elected Officials in St. Paul AB next week:

    Course for Elected Officials
    St. Paul
    Friday, October 21
    9:00am - 4:00pm

    Register here 

    Our province's elected officials have a unique role in the economic development of the communities they serve. They are well positioned to be the leaders, directing their political influence toward creating a vibrant economic future. 

    In EDA's course for elected officials, this group of community leaders will learn how to support their economic development officers in the strategic vision for economic growth in their region.

    Plan to attend; it will be worth the trip.

    EDA is also offering you the opportunity to book a course in your community. Simply email admin@edaalberta.ca and we can give you the details on how to arrange for this course.

    Our Course for Elected Officials is a unique professional development opportunity. It equips these community leaders with the tools to support economic development professionals. In this course, you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works; and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers take to help to revitalize economies. In today's economy, economic development is more important than ever before.

  • October 13, 2016 9:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday October 14 is the deadline to ensure your EDA member contact information is current for publication in the 2017 edition of Invest in Alberta.

    Please do not reply to this e-mail. 

    Instead, if changes and / or additions need to be made please sign into your EDA account on our website click the edit button at the top of the page and make the necessary changes, otherwise it will appear as noted below. 

    Your nametitleorganization, business addressbusiness phone number and business e-mail will be required in order make the EDA Member Directory consistent and professional looking. 

    Please take the time to review your contact information below to ensure all requirements are met.  


    Job Title: 


    Mailing Address: 

    Work Phone Number: 

    Work E-mail

    As you know, a benefit of EDA membership is your contact information published in the EDA Member Directory that appears in our Invest in Alberta magazine. It is an excellent opportunity for potential investors to get in touch with you personally.   

    If you would like to see what our 2016 membership directory looked like here is a link to last year's magazine. 

    Thank you.

  • October 12, 2016 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You have until Monday, October 17 to book your AD in EDA's 2017 edition of Invest in Alberta.

    Be part of a publication that has a circulation of over 15,000 providing valuable insight about Alberta's economy and business community. We feature the latest business trends, developments and investment opportunities throughout the province. Now more than ever, entrepreneurs and investors around the world need to understand the potential Alberta offers for growth in our many and diverse industries. 

    Place your Ad today by contacting Anita McGillis @ 403-228-4337, ext. 229 

    Email: amcgillis@venturepublishing.ca

    Read 2017 Invest In Alberta Media Kit

    2016 Edition of Invest in Alberta


  • October 11, 2016 2:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Back by popular demand. EDA is once again holding an Ignite® Session at our Annual Conference.

    Are you familiar with Ignite talksIgnite® is a presentation format where a presenter speaks while slides advance automatically to support them. An Ignite® presentation is exactly 5 minutes and contains exactly 20 slides.

    called Ignite®#EDA2017 EDA is now accepting applications to take part in this session during our 2017 Annual Conference held at the Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta.

    Read about the session and submit the online application.

    Our application deadline is January 29, 2017.

    Space is limited so apply now. You don't have to attend the Conference to take part in Ignite®#EDA2017 this experience is worth the trip to Banff! 

    Register for the EDA 2017 Annual Conference here. 

    Become a Conference partner.

  • October 11, 2016 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our province's elected officials have a unique role in the economic development of the communities they serve. They are well positioned to be the leaders, directing their political influence toward creating a vibrant economic future. 

    In EDA's course for elected officials, this group of community leaders will learn how to support their economic development officers in the strategic vision for economic growth in their region.

    Plan to attend EDA's one-day Course for Elected Officials in St. Paul next week. Space is limited so register today; it will be worth the trip:

    Course for Elected Officials
    St. Paul
    Friday, October 21
    9:00am - 4:00pm

    Register here 

    EDA is also offering you the opportunity to book a course in your community. Simply email admin@edaalberta.ca and we can give you the details on how to arrange for this course.

    Our Course for Elected Officials is a unique professional development opportunity. It equips these community leaders with the tools to support economic development professionals. In this course, you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works; and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers take to help to revitalize economies. In today's economy, economic development is more important than ever before.

  • October 10, 2016 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is your last chance to register for EDA's Business and Investment Attraction online course. It begins tomorrow.

    Don't forget EDA members receive a 50% rebate on the course fee. This course will equip you with pertinent information during these challenging economic times.   

    Business and Investment Attraction (BIA)
    October 11 - November 8, 2016
    Online through the U of C

    Register here 

    To receive your rebate, email admin@edaalberta.ca with your course receipt.

    If you want to take this course in-person, plan to host it in your community. It is a one-day course and EDA members will receive a 50% rebate on the course fee. This offer is good until the end of this year. Contactadmin@edaalberta.ca with the dates you prefer and we will arrange for an instructor. Book now to get your preferred dates! 

    Our BIA course covers community investment readiness; competitive advantage, how to select key target markets for investment attraction; working with site selectors; and attracting foreign direct investment to help your community expand its economic base. 

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.
