EDA News Centre

  • November 29, 2016 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If you are looking for a tool to help you with your business retention and expansion strategy then our AlbertaBusinessCounts (ABC) Program is the answer. 

    This software gives your community a consistent method for gathering the data needed to identify and analyze business needs at the local, regional and provincial level. 

    Within our program is a series of free webinars designed to provide you with information and training relating to our AlbertaBusinessCounts Program. 

    Next week is the final training webinar for 2016.

    The webinar will focus on leveraging data obtained by the ABC system. The session will cover reporting, communication, mass tagging and much more: 

    AlbertaBusinessCounts Training Webinar:
    Wednesday, December 7
    12:00 - 1:00 pm
    Register here


    EDA holds the provincial master license for Executive Pulse, a software designed to collect and analyze data on existing industries in Alberta. A special licensing agreement enables EDA to make this software available to economic development organizations at a reduced price. 

  • November 28, 2016 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that Thursday, December 1 is the deadline for the early-bird rate for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference. Register now to get the best price.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    Each year our Annual Conference attracts experts in the field of economic development and elected officials from across Alberta and North America. With a new venue and new programming in 2017, we are expecting our very successful Conference to be even better.

    The theme for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • November 23, 2016 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Next week is the deadline for the early-bird rate at EDA's 2017 Annual Conference.

    Take advantage of the reduced prices by registering for the Conference before Thursday, December 1.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    Each year our Annual Conference attracts experts in the field of economic development and elected officials from across Alberta and North America. With a new venue and new programming in 2017, we are expecting our very successful Conference to be even better.

    The theme for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • November 18, 2016 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Take advantage of our 2016 pricing; host one of our Community Economic Development Training Program (CEDTP) courses in your community. 

    You can save even more money by hosting EDA's Business and Investment Attraction (BIA) Course. EDA members will receive a 50% rebate on the course fee. This offer is good until the end of this year. 

    Our BIA course covers community investment readiness; competitive advantage, how to select key target markets for investment attraction; working with site selectors; and attracting foreign direct investment to help your community expand its economic base. 

    Contact admin@edaalberta with the dates you prefer and EDA will arrange for an instructor to come to your community to facilitate the one-day in-person courses. These lower prices are good until December 31, 2016. Book now. 

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

  • November 18, 2016 10:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It was one of the hottest tickets at EDA's 2016 Annual Conference and it is back by popular demand. 

    EDA is holding an Ignite® Session at our 2017 Annual Conference. The applications are beginning to roll in and we suggest you apply soon to secure your spot as space is limited. Our application deadline is January 29, 2017.

    Read about the session and submit the online application.

    Our 2017 Annual Conference is being held at the Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta but you don't have to attend the Conference to take part in Ignite®#EDA2017. This experience is worth the trip to Banff! 

    Ignite® is a presentation format where a presenter speaks while slides advance automatically to support them. An Ignite® presentation is exactly 5 minutes and contains exactly 20 slides.

    Register for the EDA 2017 Annual Conference here. 

    Become a Conference partner.

    #EDA2017 See you at the Conference.

  • November 18, 2016 10:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In four days EDA's Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course begins. Register today to take advantage of the 2016 pricing. 

    This course provides a solid introduction to the skills and knowledge you need in this profession.  

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation
    November 22 - December 20, 2016
    Online through the University of Calgary

    Register here

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    These courses are also available in person. Contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community. 


  • November 16, 2016 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Take advantage of the 2016 pricing by registering today for next week's Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course. 

    This course provides a solid introduction to the skills and knowledge you need in this profession.  

    The course begins in six days. Don't miss out:

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation
    November 22 - December 20, 2016
    Online through the University of Calgary

    Register here

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    These courses are also available in person. Contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community. 


  • November 14, 2016 10:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Next week we are offering you an opportunity to learn how to best serve your community as an economic development professional. Register today for EDA's Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course. 

    This course provides a solid introduction to the skills and knowledge you need in this profession. 

    Don't miss out:

    Economic Development Establishing the Foundation
    November 22 - December 20, 2016
    Online through the University of Calgary

    Register here

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.

    These courses are also available in person. Contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community. 


  • November 09, 2016 10:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Next week is the deadline for submissions to speak at EDA's 2017 Annual Conference. 

    Each year, we look for speakers to address a variety of topics related to current economic development issues. If you have a relevant and distinctive topic that you would like to present then we would like to hear from you. 

    We also have a few suggestions of topics that we feel our audience might be interested in and we invite you to submit a proposal that addresses these topics as well. Please click here to see the range of topics.

    Please read the Call for Conference Papers guidelines here. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2016.

    Be part of our success.

    Each year our Annual Conference attracts experts in the field of economic development and elected officials from across Alberta and North America. With a new venue and new programming in 2017, we are expecting our very successful Conference to be even better.

    Held at the Banff Centre, the theme for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity. Registration is open.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • November 07, 2016 10:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Winter is just around the corner Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) would like to remind you that you can still create opportunities for you and your team to enhance your professional development before 2016 comes to an end. Take advantage of our many professional development offerings. Here's how: 

    Discover how you can best serve your community as an economic development professional by taking our Economic Development Establishing the Foundation course: 

    November 22 - December 20 (for a total of 15 hours)

    Register Here

    This course is the first one in our CEDTP series and is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding and the basic tools to practice economic development in your community. You can also book a facilitator to deliver this course in person in your community; this is a one day course. Simply contact admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course in your community.    

    Business and Investment Attraction (B&IA)

    EDA Members have until the end of December to qualify for a 50% rebate on the course fee. Course facilitators are available to travel to your community to deliver this one-day course. Email: admin@edaalberta.ca to arrange for this course. 

    This course is pertinent in these tough economic times as it gives you: the tools to expand your community's economic base; the techniques for community investment readiness; competitive advantage, working with site selectors and how to select key target markets for investment attraction. This course is also part of our CEDTP program.                      

    Economic Development for Elected Officials Course

    Our Course for Elected Officials is a unique professional development opportunity. It equips these community leaders with the tools to support economic development professionals. In this course you will learn how business attraction works; how business retention works; and you'll also learn the steps economic development officers take to help to revitalize economies. In today's economy, economic development is more important than ever before! Book a course in your community by contacting us at: admin@edaalberta.ca

    AlbertaBusinessCounts Training Webinar

    AlbertaBusinessCounts next free training webinar will focus on leveraging data obtained by the ABC system. The session will cover reporting, communication, mass tagging and much more: 

    AlbertaBusinessCounts Training Webinar:
    Wednesday, December 7
    12:00 - 1:00 pm
    Register here

    The CEDTP courses are eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.