EDA News Centre

  • January 27, 2017 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    EDA Awards of Excellence Technical Glitch

    It appears that a handful of you has experienced a technical glitch in making your submission on our website for the EDA Awards of Excellence.

    Not to worry. 

    If you are having difficulties making the online submission simply email it, including all the attachments in the proper formats to EDA's Julie Pankow:


    If you are one of the few having problems, please send your email as soon as possible as we would like to honour the end-of-business-today deadline as best we can. 

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    -The EDA Team

  • January 27, 2017 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    EDA Awards of Excellence Deadline Today @ 4:30pm 

    You have just a few hours to submit your nomination for our EDA Awards of Excellence.The deadline is 4:30pm today. 

    All of the information including the criteria of each award and the online submission form is available on our website.       

    ·        Economic Developer of the Year

    ·        Outstanding Young Professional Award

    ·        Awards of Excellence 

    ·        Alex Metcalfe Awards      

    Celebrate excellence in economic development in the province! Any EDA association member that is in good standing and resides within Alberta is eligible to submit an entry. The Awards will be presented at our Conference during the Minister's Dinner Thursday, March 23.

    Sunday, January 29 is the deadline to apply for our Ignite® Session at EDA's 2017 Annual ConferenceThis is open to everyone. You don't have to attend the Conference to be involved in Ignite®#EDA2017

    Read about the session and submit the online application.

    Follow us on Twitter @edaalberta #EDA2017 for all the latest information about the 2017 Conference. 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • January 26, 2017 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    Two Important Deadlines: Tomorrow and Sunday

    There are two deadlines coming up that you don't want to miss:

    1. Tomorrow at 4:30 pm is the deadline for submissions for our EDA Awards of Excellence

    All of the information including the criteria of each award and the online submission form is available on our website.       

    ·        Economic Developer of the Year

    ·        Outstanding Young Professional Award

    ·        Awards of Excellence 

    ·        Alex Metcalfe Awards      

    Celebrate excellence in economic development in the province! Any EDA association member that is in good standing and resides within Alberta is eligible to submit an entry. The Awards will be presented at our Conference during the Minister's Dinner Thursday, March 23.

    2. Sunday, January 29 is the deadline to apply for our Ignite® Session at EDA's 2017 Annual ConferenceThis is open to everyone. You don't have to attend the Conference to be involved in Ignite®#EDA2017

    Read about the session and submit the online application.

    Ignite® is a presentation format where a presenter speaks while slides advance automatically to support them. An Ignite® presentation is exactly 5 minutes and contains exactly 20 slides.

    • February 12, 2017: Ignite® Applicants Notified
    • March 4, 2017: Ignite® Presentation Slides Due
    • March 22, 2017: Mandatory Practice with all presenters, 9:00-11:30 AM.
  • January 26, 2017 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Member News 

    Call for EDA Board Nominations 2017-18

    On March 24, 2017, a new Board Directors will be elected to Economic Developers Alberta (EDA).

    If you are interested in submitting your intent to run for the board, please fill out the online form here on or before February 24, 2017 by 4:30 PM

    There are four vacancies to be filled. All nominees must be “voting” members in good standing for at least one year. 

    The following items are required in the form: 

    • Name
    • Organization and Title
    • Phone
    • Email
    • How long you have been a member of EDA
    • Number of years in the economic development profession
    • What specific skills you will bring to that role

    Please note, potential candidates must:

    • Be willing to attend bi-monthly Board of Director’s meetings (usually a conference call approximately 1.5 hours long);
    • Have the necessary skillset/experience required;
    • Be able to develop a strong understanding of the organization, its needs and requirements;
    • Contribute their time and knowledge to the organization and be prepared to exercise his or her duties with skill and care;
    • Understand the role and function of a governance board, have an understanding of basic governance concepts and the legal duties of a director of a non-profit organization.

    All nominations submitted before the deadline will be vetted by the EDA Nominating Committee to ensure they are eligible for nomination, and that they have the key skills/experience identified for the upcoming year. 

    A slate of eligible nominees will be presented at the AGM, at which time nominees will be permitted to say a few words in support of their nomination. A vote by the membership will then take place. The top nominees will be elected to the board. As usual, nominations will be taken from the floor, but to ensure we have an efficient AGM we would prefer any interested candidates let us know in advance.


    2017-18 EDA Nominating Committee

  • January 25, 2017 11:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    Ignite®#EDA2017 Session Application Deadline, January 29

    The application deadline for our Ignite®#EDA2017 Session at EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Sunday, January 29, 2017. Submit your application today, space is limited:

    Read about the session and submit the online application.

    Ignite® is a presentation format where a presenter speaks while slides advance automatically to support them. An Ignite® presentation is exactly 5 minutes and contains exactly 20 slides.

    At our last Conference, Ignite® was one of the most popular sessions, you don't want to miss it. 

    Our 2017 Annual Conference is being held at the Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta but you don't have to attend the Conference to take part in Ignite®#EDA2017. This experience is worth the trip to Banff! 

    Here are some key dates:

    • February 12, 2017: Ignite® Applicants Notified
    • March 4, 2017: Ignite® Presentation Slides Due
    • March 22, 2017: Mandatory Practice with all presenters, 9:00-11:30 AM

  • January 24, 2017 12:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    EDA Awards of Excellence Submission Deadline Friday

    This is a reminder that you have until Friday, January 27 at 4:30pm to submit your entry for our EDA Awards of Excellence

    *Late entries will not be considered. 

    All of the information including the criteria of each award and the online submission form is available on our website.       

    ·        Economic Developer of the Year

    ·        Outstanding Young Professional Award

    ·        Awards of Excellence 

    ·        Alex Metcalfe Awards      

    These Awards recognize excellence in economic development in the province. Any EDA association member that is in good standing and resides within Alberta is eligible to submit an entry. 

    The Awards will be presented at our Conference during the Minister's Dinner, Thursday. March 23. 

    Follow us on Twitter @edaalberta #EDA2017 for all the latest information about the 2017 Conference. 

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017 

  • January 23, 2017 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Professional Development 

    Community Economic Development Training Program 

    Tomorrow, our Business Retention and Expansion Course begins. 

    Register now to avoid the waiting list. 

    Business Retention and Expansion (BRE)

    January 24 - Februrary 27, 2017 (for a total of 15 hours)

    Online through the University of Calgary  

    Register here

    This course is what you need to help your business community improve its competitive position. 

    As you know, our CEDTP training program is an excellent professional development opportunity for those in the field of economic development. Our program helps your competitive advantage by offering a variety of courses designed to deliver information on the best practices and established tools you can use to help your region thrive.

    These courses are eligible for credits towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. They can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.


    Plan ahead. All of our online courses are open for registration. 

    See our 2017 calendar here.

    Plan to host one of our CEDTP courses in your community. 

    Email admin@edaalberta.ca for information.

  • January 23, 2017 11:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    EDA 2017 Annual Conference 

    Conference Round Up

    There are 57 days until EDA's 2017 Annual Conference at the Banff Centre in Banff, AB. In an effort to keep our delegates informed, we will be sending you Conference Round Up emails. Check out what's new with our planning and what you can expect at the 2017 Conference. Click on the links below for more information:

    Submission Deadline Friday, January 27 - EDA Awards of Excellence: Recognize excellence in economic development in the province. Don't miss out, apply today. Any EDA member in good standing can submit an application. 

    Application Deadline Sunday, January 29 - Ignite®EDA2017: One of the most popular sessions at the Conference. Share your passion at our Ignite® Session. Apply here. Successful applicants will be notified February 12. 

    Accommodation: Even though onsite accommodation at The Banff Centre is full; rooms at our convenient offsite hotel option are still available. Book your room at the Banff Caribou Lodge. Space is limited! Rooms are released February 1

    *See a Map of the Banff Centre here. All Conference proceedings will take place at The Banff Centre.

    Pre-Conference SessionEDAC Pre-Course: Economic Diversification-strategies for Revitalizing Local Economies 

    Pre-Conference SessionEC.D. Certification EXAM 

    Pre-Conference SessionAlberta Brewers On Tap Pre Conference Reception

    *New this Year Conference Connectors: These are unique interactive sessions for delegates designed to enhance your networking experience at the Conference. We are offering two sessions. Click on the links below to read about them and to register: 

    Conference SpeakersRead the bios of the speakers and moderators we have lined up so far. 

    Conference Partnerships Available: Join a prestigious group! This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your company or organization to an international audience of over 400 economic development experts. 

  • January 23, 2017 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    EDA Media Release

    For Immediate Release 

    Economic Opportunity Assessment studying current challenges and opportunities in Wood Buffalo 

    (Fort McMurray, AB – January 23, 2017) – In the wake of the May 2016 wildfire, an Economic Opportunity Assessment is being conducted this week to better understand the current economic climate in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and to plan future supports.

    The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s (RMWB) Economic Development Department and the Recovery Task Force have invited a team of 10 experts in economic development following a natural disaster to conduct this in-depth assessment.

    The team, led by Economic Developers Alberta (EDA), will work with local businesses and key stakeholders to study the current challenges, the progress of recovery, and opportunities to improve the economic outlook of our community as a whole.

    “EDA is pleased to bring together this team of experts, because we know that economic developers have a critical role to play in economic and business recovery efforts,” said Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO. “Many communities across North America have experienced natural disasters in the past, and have valuable expertise to share with others. By bringing together a team of economic development professionals with specific expertise and experience, we are able to help support the RMWB’s ongoing economic recovery efforts.”

    This assessment is made possible thanks to funding and support from the Government of Alberta. A report based on the assessment findings will be delivered in March and will include short-, medium- and long-term recommendations for success in the business community, which drives job creation, workforce development, and local commerce.

    “We are excited to partner with the team from EDA as we work to better understand where there are opportunities to improve the future of Wood Buffalo,” said Natasha Hartson, RMWB Economic Development Department. “Thanks to this we can better support the business community and accelerate the economic recovery of the region.”

    For more information about the assessment, email economic.development@rmwb.ca or visit choosewoodbuffalo.ca/eoa or visit edaalberta.ca


    Media Inquiries:

    Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO
    Cell: (403)-807-7746


    Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

  • November 30, 2016 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder that tomorrow is the deadline for the early-bird rate for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference. Register today to get the best price.

    EDA's 2017 Annual Conference
    March 22-24, 2017
    The Banff Centre 
    107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
    Banff, Alberta
    Register for the Conference and Book your Room at the Banff Centre here 

    Each year our Annual Conference attracts experts in the field of economic development and elected officials from across Alberta and North America. With a new venue and new programming in 2017, we are expecting our very successful Conference to be even better.

    The theme for EDA's 2017 Annual Conference is Embracing Change; Creating Opportunity

    See you at the Conference #EDA2017