Message to EDA Members-Call for EDA Board Nominations 2017-18

January 26, 2017 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


EDA Member News 

Call for EDA Board Nominations 2017-18

On March 24, 2017, a new Board Directors will be elected to Economic Developers Alberta (EDA).

If you are interested in submitting your intent to run for the board, please fill out the online form here on or before February 24, 2017 by 4:30 PM

There are four vacancies to be filled. All nominees must be “voting” members in good standing for at least one year. 

The following items are required in the form: 

  • Name
  • Organization and Title
  • Phone
  • Email
  • How long you have been a member of EDA
  • Number of years in the economic development profession
  • What specific skills you will bring to that role

Please note, potential candidates must:

  • Be willing to attend bi-monthly Board of Director’s meetings (usually a conference call approximately 1.5 hours long);
  • Have the necessary skillset/experience required;
  • Be able to develop a strong understanding of the organization, its needs and requirements;
  • Contribute their time and knowledge to the organization and be prepared to exercise his or her duties with skill and care;
  • Understand the role and function of a governance board, have an understanding of basic governance concepts and the legal duties of a director of a non-profit organization.

All nominations submitted before the deadline will be vetted by the EDA Nominating Committee to ensure they are eligible for nomination, and that they have the key skills/experience identified for the upcoming year. 

A slate of eligible nominees will be presented at the AGM, at which time nominees will be permitted to say a few words in support of their nomination. A vote by the membership will then take place. The top nominees will be elected to the board. As usual, nominations will be taken from the floor, but to ensure we have an efficient AGM we would prefer any interested candidates let us know in advance.


2017-18 EDA Nominating Committee