Message to EDA Members- Watch This Inspiring Video - The Role of Economic Developers

October 05, 2016 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

At the IEDC conference in Cleveland last week, IEDC premiered an inspiring video in recognition of the Year of the Economic Developer.

Sometimes the work we do in our communities is tough and thankless. We don’t see immediate results. Some of our activities take months or years to come to fruition. But we continue, because deep down we believe we are making a difference.

For those of you who are economic development practitioners, take a couple of minutes to view the video. After watching, I am sure you will be even more proud of the work you do and how you are making your community, region and province a better place for all. 

For those of you who aren’t sure about what your economic developer does, have a look. You may be surprised at the type of work they are doing to make your community thrive.

 Please click here to watch this video.

In closing, I want to personally thank all of Alberta’s dedicated economic development professionals for the hard work each of you do every day. Collectively, we are making a difference.

Enjoy your day as we continue to celebrate the Year of the Economic Developer!


Leann Hackman-Carty, CEO