The Wood Buffalo Business Recovery Hotline Helps 691 Small Businesses So Far

June 20, 2016 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) Economic Development Department is helping its business community get back on its feet after forest fires swept through the region last month. 

A Business Recovery Hotline has been established to gather information about immediate needs and provide access to various resources. In addition, the Hotline is processing emergency financial relief for small businesses. The Canadian Red Cross will be providing $1000 to each small business that meets basic eligibility criteria. This funding is made possible through generous donations to the Canadian Red Cross as a result of the Alberta Fires, affecting Fort McMurray and surrounding areas.

So far, the Wood Buffalo Business Recovery Hotline has validated 691 businesses totalling $691,000.  If your small business was impacted by the fires please call 1-855-RMWBBIZ (769-2249) to register and receive your payment. 

EDA is pleased to support its members at the RMWB. Economic developers play a critical leadership role in a community’s recovery process. EDA's Economic Disaster Recovery Program (EDRP) is being used as a valuable template for the RMWB's overall business and economic disaster recovery strategy.