Register Now for a 50% Rebate on EDA's Next Online Course - Business and Investment Attraction

September 18, 2014 11:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

EDA is offering its members a 50% rebate on tuition for its next online course through the University of Calgary.

Business and Investment Attraction
October 14-November 11, 2014 (for a total of 15 hours)
Read more about the course and register here

Once you register, please submit your receipt to (please do not reply to this e-mail). EDA will award the rebate on a first come first served basis so register now!

The Business and Investment Attraction course is designed to increase your understanding of the importance of business investment and attraction as a strategy in economic development; and to introduce and profile how business investment attraction can benefit your community.

This course is eligible for credit towards the Management Certificate-Economic Developers offered through the University of Calgary in conjunction with EDA. It can also be applied to your Ec.D designation.